Objetivos: - Clasificar los componentes que se utilizan en el montaje de los equipos microinformáticos, identificando sus parámetros funcionales y características, teniendo en cuenta sus especificaciones técnicas.- Instalar los elementos que componen l...
Objetivos: Identify common web attacks and vulnerabilities, write perl compatible regular expressions, configure Citrix applications firewall to protect web applications.
Requisitos: Experience with configuring NetScaler systems, including an understanding of services, virtual servers, and policies Experience with network devices, such as routers and switches, various networking protocols and aspects of application and site architectures (such as DMZs and VLANs) Knowledge of network security threats and site protection concepts such as firewalls, worms, and DDoS attacks Understanding of concepts related to monitoring and management including basics of SNMP Completion of CNS-220 NetScaler Traffic Management Essentials
Instructional Method This course is available in either classroom or self-paced online formats, and includes access to a live lab environment, as well as demonstrations and the practical application of concepts through hands-on exercises.
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Topic Outline
· Getting Started
§ Introduction to the NetScaler System
· Advanced Troubleshooting
§ Troubleshooting Resources
§ NetScaler System Overview
§ nCore Configuration Architecture
§ Built-In Tools
§ Real-Time Performance Statistics
§ Historical Statistics
§ Third-Party Tools
· Introducing Application Firewall
§ Application Attacks
§ The Benefits of Application Firewall
§ Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
§ Packet Processing Inspection
§ Profiles and Policies
· Profiles and Policies
§ Profiles
§ Policies
§ Engine Settings
· Regular Expressions
§ Forms of Regular Expressions
§ Using Regular Expressions
§ Metacharacters and Literal Characters
§ Metacharacters
§ Escapes
§ Quantifiers
§ Back referencing
§ Look heads
§ Regular Expression Scope
· Attacks and Protections
§ Security Checks
§ HTTPS Web Applications
§ Buffer Overflow Exploits and Protection
§ Parameter Manipulation
§ Server Misconfiguration
§ Deny URL Protection
§ SQL Injection
§ HTML SQL Injection Protection
§ Command Injection
§ Field Format Protection
§ Cookie Tampering and Poisoning
§ Cookie Consistency Protection
§ Form/Hidden Field Manipulation
§ Form Field Consistency Protection
§ Forceful Browsing
§ Start URLs
§ Backdoors and Misconfigurations
§ URL Closure
§ Identity Theft Attacks
§ Credit Card Protection
§ Protecting Credit Cards
§ Errors Triggering Sensitive Information Leaks
§ Safe Object Protection
· Application Firewall Troubleshooting
§ Application Firewall and
§ Configuration Issues
· Queuing and Connection Tuning
§ HTTP Connections
§ HTTP Connection Management and NetScaler
§ HTTP Behavior
§ TCP Buffering
§ Surge Queue
§ Surge Protection
§ Priority Queuing
§ HTTP Denial-of-Service Protection
· Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing
§ Users, Groups and Command Policies
§ External Authentication for System Users
§ AAA for Traffic Management
§ Configuration
§ Audit Logging
· AppExpert Rate Limiting, HTTP Service Callout, and Policy-based Logging
§ HTTP Callouts
§ Configuring HTTP Callouts
§ HTTP Callout Use Cases
§ Configuring Rate Control
§ Rate Control Policy Scenarios
§ Policy-based Logging
· Command Center
§ Command Center Introduction
§ Command Center Clients
§ Server Requirements
§ Port Setting Requirements
§ Command Center Installation
§ Command Center Functionality
§ Command Center Administration
· Insight Center
§ Insight Center Overview
§ AppFlow on the NetScaler System
§ How Insight Center Collects AppFlow Data
§ HDX Insight
§ HTML Injection
· NetScaler Web Logging
§ NetScaler Web Logging Introduction
§ NetScaler System Configuration
§ NSWL Client Installation
§ NSWL Client Configuration
§ Troubleshooting Web Logging
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