1 - Demostrar los permisos con SharePoint 2013. Crear máquina virtual cliente. Crear grupos y cuentas de usuario. Crear permisos iniciales para los sitios Intranet y Equipos. Configurar y asegurar el sitio Recursos humanos. Crear y ...
Objetivos: Al tomar este curso aprenderán a identificar la mejor estrategia de implementación de IPS para su entorno, Aplicar la prevención de amenaza de día cero, identificar los principales eventos de seguridad y protecciones.
Requisitos: Introduction to Check Point IPS Software Blade training Working knowledge of Windows and/or Unix Basic networking knowledge Experience with TCP/IP and the internet
A quién va dirigido: Personas técnicas que implementen o administren los productos de Check Point, administradores de Sistemas, Administradores de seguridad e Ingenieros de Red.
Instructional Method This course is available in either classroom or self-paced online formats, and includes access to a live lab environment, as well as demonstrations and the practical application of concepts through hands-on exercises.
ver información adicional
Preface: Advanced IPS
Advanced IPS Overview
Check Point 3D Security
Chapter: 1 IPS Management
Check Point IPS
o Learning Objectives:
o Check Point IPS Overview
o IPS in SmartDashboard
o IPS Profiles
o Activating Protections
o Protection Browser
o IPS Updates
o Network Exceptions
o Tracking Protections Using Follow Up
o Geo Protection
o Bypass Under Load
o Chapter Review
Lab 1: Deploying IPS
Configuring the IPS Blade
o Test the Security Policy and Demonstration Tool
Testing IPS Functionality
Changing IPS Policy Enforcement
Lab 2: Deploying Geo Protection in IPS
Modifying Anti‐Spoofing Settings
Test IPS Geo Protection
Chapter: 2 IPS Monitoring
Introducing IPS Event Analysis
o Learning Objectives:
o IPS Event Analysis
o IPS Event Analysis Architecture
Chapter Review
Lab 3: Using Profiles in IPS
Testing the Default_Protection Profile
o Define a New Profile
o Identifying Attacks with SmartEvent
Chapter: 3 IPS Architecture
Introducing IPS Architecture
o Learning Objectives:
o Key IPS Architecture Design Elements
o Performance — Accelerated Integrated IPS
o Secure — Multi‐threat Detection Engine
o Passive Streaming Library
o Protocol Parsers .
o Context Management Infrastructure
o Compound Signature Identification
o How the Architecture Runs IPS
Chapter Review
Lab 4: Manually Updating IPS Protections (Optional)
Downloading and Installing IPS Protections
o Follow Up with IPS Protection Review
Lab 5: IPS Troubleshooting Features
Configuring and Testing IPS Troubleshooting Mode
Configure and Test the IPS Bypass Settings
Chapter: 4 IPS Tuning
Optimizing IPS
o Learning Objectives:
o Managing Performance Impact
o Tuning Protections
o Enhancing System Performance
o Configure Servers
o Engine Settings
Chapter Review
Lab 6: Tuning IPS Performance
Configuring Protection Engine Settings
o Configuring Server Objects
o Identifying Top Events and Protections
o Modifying Protections to Defend Against Common Attacks
o Debugging the Logging Mechanism
Chapter: 5 IPS Debugging
IPS Debugging
o Learning Objectives:
o IPS Debug Tools
o SmartView Tracker Modes
o Packet Capture
o Kernel Debugging
IPS Debugging Scenarios
o False Positives
o Performance Issues
o Logging Issues
o Pattern Match Debug
o Packet Dump Buffer
o Debug Flags Overview
Chapter Review
Lab 7: Advanced IPS Troubleshooting
Using Debug to Gather IPS Statistics
o Using tcpdump to Identify the Source of an Attack
o Modifying Protection to Prevent Attack Source
o Viewing Gateway Messages
Appendix: Chapter Questions and Answers
Chapter 1 ‐ IPS Management
Chapter 2 ‐ IPS Monitoring
Chapter 3 ‐ IPS Architecture
Chapter 4 ‐ IPS Tuning
Chapter 5 ‐ IPS Debugging
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Las macros son programación, pero no es necesario ser programador ni tener conocimientos de programación para utilizarlas. La mayoría de las macros que se pueden crear en los programas de Office se ...
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Las macros son programación, pero no es necesario ser programador ni tener conocimientos de programación para utilizarlas. La mayoría de las macros que se pueden crear en los programas de Office se ...
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Objetivos: • Instalar y configurar software básico y de aplicación, redes locales cableadas, inalámbricas o mixtas y conectadas a redes públicas.• Montar y configurar ordenadores y periféricos.• ...
Requisitos: - Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller o declarado equivalente, de Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional o ser mayor de 25 años con al menos 1 año de experiencia profesional ...
Requisitos: - Ser mayor de 18 años.En este caso se expide el título de “Experto” - Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller, Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional, ser mayor de 25 años con al ...
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