Curso relacionado
  •  OBS Business School OBS Business School
    PRECIO: 7.200 €

    Objetivos: El objetivo general del Máster en BI de OBS Business School es aportar el conocimiento teórico-práctico a los profesionales que quieran desempeñar sus funciones en la dirección, gestión o consultoría de business Intelligence.Objetivo esp...

Seminario de Delivering on Digital

ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology
ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology

Seminario Presencial en Berlín (Alemania)

Precio: 2.400 €
Duración: 2 días

Resumen del seminario

Would you like to become an expert in digital technology, the fundamental element of any transformation initiative? Then you should check this course imparted by ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology. The course is classroom based and aims to help participants set up and manage digital transformation investments in a way that optimizes the value delivered. It is based on leading research conducted over the last 20 years. You will learn to lead digital transformation initiatives, understand how digital investments create real business value, map organizational changes against expected benefits, investment objectives, and business drivers. Also, to analyse stakeholders to understand their position in relation to proposed changes and building strategies to increase buy-in, identify and overcoming obstacles that can prevent the realization of expected business benefits, define metrics and assigning responsibilities, among other skills. Don’t miss this chance and ask for more information through We will be glad to help you!

Objetivos: Gaining a clear understanding of how organizations can maximize returns from their digital investments. Learning tools and techniques that allow the realization of real benefits. Applying these tools and techniques to actual projects.

A quién va dirigido: This course is designed for managers responsible for planning, justifying, and sponsoring IT-enabled change projects for their organization’s digital transformation journey. Also project and program managers and people working in PMOs will benefit from the program.

Información adicional

We have designed an experience-based program for executives. As a result, DOD relies on methods specifically chosen for this group, including business cases, interactive lectures, group work, and discussions with peers and faculty, with peers and faculty, group work, and plenary discussions.

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Temario completo de este curso

Leading digital transformation initiatives.
Understanding how digital investments create real business value.
Mapping organizational changes against expected benefits, investment objectives, and business drivers.
Analyzing stakeholders to understand their position in relation to proposed changes and building strategies to increase buy-in.
Identifying and overcoming obstacles that can prevent the realization of expected business benefits.
Defining metrics and assigning responsibilities.
Building robust and realistic business cases.
Designing projects and programs to accommodate different types of digital investments.
Setting achievable benefits that can be actively managed and deciding between agile and waterfall approaches to implementation.
Lessons from the field: success and failure factors.
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