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Postgrado en Windows Server 2012 - MCSA Series

Pitman Training Barcelona
Pitman Training Barcelona

Postgrado Online

Precio: 301-500 €

Resumen del postgrado

If you want to work as a computer network specialist, IT Technician, network or systems administrator having proven IT skills, such as the MCSA certification, is essential.

Temario completo de este curso

To be able you can tell a prospective employer that you areMicrosoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) trained will giveyou a definite advantage over unqualified counterparts.If you want to work as a computer network specialist, IT Technician,network or systems administrator having proven IT skills isessential. There are three main subject areas within this course,Windows Server 2012 Configuring Advanced Services, Installationand Configuration and Administrator Course. All designed to giveyou the knowledge needed to sit exams 70-410, 70-411 and 70-412*.
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