Curso relacionado
  •  OBS Business School OBS Business School
    PRECIO: 7.200 €

    Objetivos: El objetivo general del Máster en BI de OBS Business School es aportar el conocimiento teórico-práctico a los profesionales que quieran desempeñar sus funciones en la dirección, gestión o consultoría de business Intelligence.Objetivo esp...


CEPADE - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
CEPADE - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Postgrado Online

Precio: 480 €

Resumen del postgrado

METODOLOGÍA DEL CURSO. Both the whole course documentation and the monitoring of the tutorials along with the final exam will be conducted in English. The level required is Advanced. On-line discussion and debate: Participants will discuss and debate on-line a case that will be used throughout the program. This will clearly establish the need for a a complete marketing tool kit. Individual Study: The text book and first hand experiences will be used to present marketing tools and methodologies that address the issues from the case and identified by program participants. Practice: Practice with tools and methodologies, applying them to the case and presenting their application for debate and discussion will build confidence and know-how of each participant. The study materials will be based on several chapters from “The Next Wave of Technologies: Opportunities from Chaos” by Phil Simon.

Objetivos: OBJETIVOS DEL CURSO. This course is intended: To understand data more quickly to make better and faster decisions, and to contribute towards fulfilling business objectives. To know the internal and external requirements for Business Intelligence (BI) To use the best technical practices for supporting BI: The web, data warehousing and information integration. To show how to use data for multiple purposes including presenting your organisation's performance to stakeholders. To gain a valuable insight into key operating information to quickly identify business problems and opportunities. To show main techniques that BA offers to increase the value from data. To practice with an open-source tool in a case study application of tools and methods, looking for new knowledge.

Temario completo de este curso

The course contents comprise the next sections:
Introduction to Business Intelligence.
Implementation of Business Intelligence.
Technologies for Business Intelligence.
Practical applications of Business Intelligence.
A step forward: Introduccion to Business Analytics.
Main approches to turn data into value.
Visualizing data.
Data Science and Business Strategy.
Regarding the cognitive domain, and with emphasis in knowledge and analysis it is expected that students can
Acquire basic concepts about business intelligence and data mining.
Formulate applications related to these technologies into their specific field of activity.
Analyze and organize BI tools comparison regarding an specific field of application.
Finally, by sharing doubts and problems into the forum provided for discussion, students will improve the affective dimension of learning experience as well as the teamwork experience.
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