Curso de International Finance

Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid
Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid

Curso Presencial en Madrid (Madrid)

Precio: 520 €
Duración: 1 meses

Resumen del curso

100% ENGLISH COURSE. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Understand the nature of international business and the environment an international business person works in. Discuss the worldwide aspects of each business function. Examine important international organizations and the international monetary system. Explain the uncontrollable forces that make up the foreign environments and illustrate their effect on business practices. Appreciate Export/Import, Marketing, Operations, Human Resource & Strategic Planning applied in the International Business Environment. Describe the trends and new directions of worldwide companies.

Objetivos: 100% ENGLISH COURSE. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Understand the nature of international business and the environment an international business person works in. Discuss the worldwide aspects of each business function. Examine important international organizations and the international monetary system. Explain the uncontrollable forces that make up the foreign environments and illustrate their effect on business practices. Appreciate Export/Import, Marketing, Operations, Human Resource & Strategic Planning applied in the International Business Environment. Describe the trends and new directions of worldwide companies.

A quién va dirigido: Addressed to International and domestic Import-Export and International Directors, Managers, as well as Marketing and Operations Directors International Business Directors and Area Managers International Sales Department personnel Any person that might be interested in pursuing an international career looking for a good level of understanding on how to do business in other countries and markets.

Información adicional


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Temario completo de este curso

International Finance

1-. Financial markets and international banking
2-. Financial markets

Addressed to International and domestic Import-Export and International Directors, Managers, as well as Marketing and Operations Directors International Business Directors and Area Managers International Sales Department personnel Any person that might be interested in pursuing an international career looking for a good level of understanding on how to do business in other countries and markets.
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