Postgrado en Postgraduate in Fashion Product Management

IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Postgrado Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Duración: 3 meses

Resumen del postgrado

Objetivos: - Work with brand analysis tools to build the brand through the product. - Emphasise the importance of cooperation between the design, marketing, sales and production teams to carry out the strategy that has been defined. - Introduce the main types of suppliers, materials, outsourcing and logistics that surround a fashion product. - Analyse trends and art direction in order to focus the collections from the creative, conceptual and stylistic point of view. - Define the structure, breadth and depth of collections by analysing sales, the competition and trends in order to develop a collection with the optimum final value, time and costs. - Analyse in depth the product range and its efficiency at the POS using the product managers’ work. - Give a knowledge of consumer analysis, competition studies, team management, scheduling and project development that is based on the design thinking methodology. - Understand the level of involvement of each of the players (design, product, marketing and communication) in the success of the collection.

A quién va dirigido: - Fashion designers who wish to acquire a knowledge of collection coordination and product management. - Product managers who wish to expand their knowledge of product development. - Marketing professionals who wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of fashion products. - Communications professionals who wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of products and product processes in order to make their campaigns more efficient. - Professionals working in fashion companies who wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of everything relating to products and collections and their integration with other departments. - Human resources personnel who wish to understand how all the departments related with a fashion product operate within an organisation.

Temario completo de este curso

The presentation of the content will be divided into classes, modules and exercises that mimic the process and management of a professional fashion project. The course will therefore be organised into different types of classes: theoretical classes, case studies, workshops, talk by professionals, projects and final projects.
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