Objetivos: - Work with brand analysis tools to build the brand through the product. - Emphasise the importance of cooperation between the design, marketing, sales and production teams to carry out the strategy that has been defined. - Introduce the main types of suppliers, materials, outsourcing and logistics that surround a fashion product. - Analyse trends and art direction in order to focus the collections from the creative, conceptual and stylistic point of view. - Define the structure, breadth and depth of collections by analysing sales, the competition and trends in order to develop a collection with the optimum final value, time and costs. - Analyse in depth the product range and its efficiency at the POS using the product managers’ work. - Give a knowledge of consumer analysis, competition studies, team management, scheduling and project development that is based on the design thinking methodology. - Understand the level of involvement of each of the players (design, product, marketing and communication) in the success of the collection.
A quién va dirigido: - Fashion designers who wish to acquire a knowledge of collection coordination and product management. - Product managers who wish to expand their knowledge of product development. - Marketing professionals who wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of fashion products. - Communications professionals who wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of products and product processes in order to make their campaigns more efficient. - Professionals working in fashion companies who wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of everything relating to products and collections and their integration with other departments. - Human resources personnel who wish to understand how all the departments related with a fashion product operate within an organisation.
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Requisitos: Cumplir uno de los siguientes requisitos:- Ser mayor de 18 años, Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller o declarado equivalente, de titulación de Técnico Superior de Formación ...
A quién va dirigido: Delineantes.Ingenieros Técnicos.Ingenieros Superiores.Arquitectos.Diseñadores Industriales.Estudiantes (tienen Descuento).Desempleados (tienen Descuento).Toda persona ...
Objetivos: Los principales objetivos de este programa son:- Aportar los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos para crear nuevos objetos.- Entrenar la capacidad de crear productos innovadores creativa, ...
Objetivos: Proporcionar recursos que faciliten la obtención de nuevos conceptos para productos innovadores.Conocer la situación actual de la práctica profesional del diseño de producto y sus ...
Objetivos: Proporcionar recursos que faciliten la obtención de nuevos conceptos para productos innovadores. Conocer la situación actual de la práctica profesional del diseño de producto y sus ...
Requisitos: Realizar la preinscripción a través de la web de ELISAVA. A quién va dirigido: Graduados superiores en Diseño. Ingenieros en Diseño Industrial. Titulados universitarios en los campos de ...
Objetivos: To train researchers with creation and participation capacity in innovation and development processes.To provide the professionals that are not linked to design with tools that could ...
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