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  •  Esneca Esneca
    PRECIO: 1.520 € 380 €

    A quién va dirigido: El curso se dirige a Directores Financieros y de Tesorería, también a todas aquellas personas del área económico-financiera que quieran adquirir conocimientos en el SAP-FI, para conseguir un mayor atractivo en el mercado profesiona...

Postgrado en Diploma Developer ABAP with Sap

FEUD Fundación Egresados Universidad Distrita
FEUD Fundación Egresados Universidad Distrita

Postgrado Presencial en Bogota (Colombia)

Precio: 3.600,57 € (+ IVA)

Resumen del postgrado

SAP® is a business suite that manages in an integrated way, "on-line", all the functional areas of a company. The acronym SAP® (System, Applications and Products) identifies a computer systems company based in Germany, which was introduced in the Information Technologies market with a product called SAP® R / 2, predecessor to SAP® R / 3, which today is called S4 HANA. It has solutions for more than 20 different types of Industry. ABAP is the programming language owned by the SAP® System, which is used to program in most of the company's products and programs in this language are executed within SAP. It is characterized for being executed by events, events that condition the execution of the programs. EUD (Foundation of Graduates of the District University) as SAP® Silver Partner for training, offers this diploma that covers the whole FI Academy, oriented to the development of competences to systems consultants and application developers so that they take advantage of the ABAP language and of this way they can manipulate SAP components and modules at the code level.

Objetivos: At the end of the program, the participant will have the skills to: Perform activities of configuration and implementation of modules through ABAP programming. Use the functions and basic components in SAP® from the developer's point of view. Implement and adapt in a company owned by SAP, the ABAP programming component and ABAP object programs to develop business solutions.

Requisitos: Programming in other programming languages ​​oriented to objects. Technical English.

A quién va dirigido: This program is aimed at professionals, consultants and all responsible for adaptation solutions, editing, parameterization and component programming in SAP. Systems or computer engineers, technicians or technologists in software development. SAP® consultants who wish to increase their knowledge and understanding of software development with the ABAP programming language. Also those who wish to update their certification in the latest version

Temario completo de este curso

Parte I
  • SAP® Portfolio general
  • Introducción a SAP® NetWeaver Application Server - Sistema Core
  • Comunicación y Tecnologías de la integración
  • Utilizando el Workbench ABAP
  • ABAP conceptos básicos de programación
  • Flujo de un programa ABAP
  • Elementos del lenguaje ABAP y sintaxis
  • La modularización utilizando subrutinas, de función y los métodos
  • Objetos de datos complejos: Estructuras
  • Las tablas internas
  • Modelado de Datos y Recuperación de Datos
  • Informe ABAP Classic
  • Análisis de programas Herramientas
  • Gestión de la memoria y las llamadas de programa
  • ABAP Open SQL
Parte II
  • Programación Diálogos de usuario con pantallas
  • Pantallas de selección
  • Pantallas (Dynpros)
  • Elementos simples de pantalla y manejo de errores
  • Subpantallas,
  • Controles TabStrip
  • Objetos de Datos y Tipos de Datos ABAP
  • Chequeo de entradas
  • Dependencias de Objetos
  • Cambios de tablas
  • Vistas y diálogos de mantenimiento
  • Ayuda de busqueda
ver temario completo

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