Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 265 €

    Objetivos: "- Aprender a confeccionar.- Conocer los conceptos principales: color, composición, dibujo, etc.- Comprender la utilización de todas las herramientas necesarias, así como las técnicas para poder utilizarlas de forma eficaz."

Postgrado en Craft in Digital Manufacturing

En estos momentos el centro IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design. no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.

IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Postgrado Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 6.200 €

En estos momentos el curso no está disponible

Te ofrecemos otros cursos relacionados con tu búsqueda: Postgrados de Moda > Postgrados de Diseño de moda

Resumen del postgrado

The revolution in digital manufacturing has become the cornerstone of industry 4.0, on the one hand it’s creating new business models, and on the other it’s becoming the standard in very competitive sectors such as automotive, healthcare and aerospace. The creative industry and the industrial sector in which it converges, demand highly specialized profiles who understand this new paradigm shift. It is necessary to create new professional profiles that are capable of implementing digital fabrication technologies and keep track of the constant evolution that occurs around them and the possible projects that may arise from their ecosystem.

Objetivos: The aim of the Postgraduate is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and tools that allow them to use digital fabrication technologies in their future projects, shaping their overview of the process of digital and analogue crafts and expose them to new design methodologies applied in the field of digital fabrication. - Identify what type of digital fabrication technologies apply to the project or to the design process. - Understand how to work within an environment where both analogue and digital industries come together. - Create bespoke products or services focussing on Human-centered design.

Temario completo de este curso

The postgraduate course is divided into complementary modules that grow in complexity as the postgraduate progresses.The entire process ends with an individual practical project. The project gives students the opportunity to put into practice what we learned during the postgraduate course and verify the viability of them in the support of a sponsoring company.Class time is divided into theoretical classes taught by renowned practitioners, workshops, city tours to explore innovative on-site businesses and discussions with professionals to learn their opinions and knowledge. Module 1: Fundamentals of digital fabrication - History, present and beyond - Exploring the landscape of available technologies - Materials 4.0 - Digital fabrication applications & cases - Technology specific design rules - Emerging technologies & trends - Workshop Module 2: Toolbox for digital fabrication - Rhino: advanced 3D modelling - Grasshopper: visual programming of complex geometries - How to prepare files for digital fabrication - Creating 3D content: 3D scanning tools and applications - WorkshopModule 3: Digital fabrication & industry 4.0 - How’s the paradigm shift affecting our design process? - Challenges of IP - Mass customisation & personalisation - New business models - Workshop Module 4: Design thinking and the new paradigm shift - Discovery approach & agile methodologies for innovation - Design thinking as a strategic tool - Co-creation and manufacturing - Visual thinking - Workshop Module 5: Craft & digital fabrication - The digital craftsman: exploration of new future scenarios - New strategies between the analogue and the digital - Project about the crossover between technology and craft - Workshop Module 6: Sustainability - From prototyping and production to a different type of eco-system - Recycling & Upcycling; exploring ecological alternatives - Green materials: nature as architect. - Workshop Module 7: Final project
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