Oposiciones Director en Estados Unidos

  •  Eskil

    Authentic Leadership

    Oposición en Nueva York (Estados Unidos) | Eskil | A consultar

    Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...

  •  Eskil

    Authentic Leadership

    Oposición en Chicago (Estados Unidos) | Eskil | A consultar

    Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...

  •  Eskil

    Authentic Leadership

    Oposición en San Francisco (Estados Unidos) | Eskil | A consultar

    Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...

  •  Eskil

    Authentic Leadership

    Oposición en Eskil (Estados Unidos) | Eskil | A consultar

    Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...

  •  Eskil

    Transformational Leader Behaviour

    Oposición en Nueva York (Estados Unidos) | Eskil | A consultar

    Objetivos: Individual learners will have specific objectives for a workshop: as a minimum we will be communicating: acquaint / re-acquaint yourself with the Full Range Leadership Model; understand the 4 Is of transformational leadership behavior; ...

  •  Eskil

    Transformational Leader Behaviour

    Oposición en Chicago (Estados Unidos) | Eskil | A consultar

    Objetivos: Individual learners will have specific objectives for a workshop: as a minimum we will be communicating: acquaint / re-acquaint yourself with the Full Range Leadership Model; understand the 4 Is of transformational leadership behavior; ...

  •  Eskil

    Transformational Leader Behaviour

    Oposición en San Francisco (Estados Unidos) | Eskil | A consultar

    Objetivos: Individual learners will have specific objectives for a workshop: as a minimum we will be communicating: acquaint / re-acquaint yourself with the Full Range Leadership Model; understand the 4 Is of transformational leadership behavior; ...

  •  Eskil

    Transformational Leader Behaviour

    Oposición en Eskil (Estados Unidos) | Eskil | A consultar

    Objetivos: Individual learners will have specific objectives for a workshop: as a minimum we will be communicating: acquaint / re-acquaint yourself with the Full Range Leadership Model; understand the 4 Is of transformational leadership behavior; ...

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