Curso relacionado

Oposición para Transformational Leader Behaviour


Oposición Presencial en Oxford (Reino Unido)

Duración: 3 días


Objetivos: Individual learners will have specific objectives for a workshop: as a minimum we will be communicating: acquaint / re-acquaint yourself with the Full Range Leadership Model; understand the 4 Is of transformational leadership behavior; measure how you perceive yourself with regard to specific leadership behaviors; Explore leader behavior with your peers; develop a leadership behavior pathway for you to action; and create new and meaningful networks.

Requisitos: Completion of 3 sets of assessment to help put the program into context and give our senior facilitators time to cross-reference the findings in order to work on your individual Leadership Development Pathway.

A quién va dirigido: Our workshops are based around confidentiality: senior people need a safe 'sandboxed' environment to explore their thinking and so we must create the right space for this to happen. Based on this, our program is only open to such people as: CEOs / Managing Directors interested in growing their strategic capability; Members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) needing to bolster their strategic strengths; Members of the Senior Management Team identified for progression into the SLT. If you are unsure about the suitability of this workshop for you, contact our Concierge Team and they can talk it through with you.

Información adicional

For a limited time, all Open Workshops are available at our Corporate Customer Prices - speak with the Concierge Team for details.

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Temario completo de este curso

Leader Behaviour

Individual learners will have specific objectives for a workshop

Course structure:
  • The Full Range Leadership Model;
  • The 4 Is of transformational leadership behaviour;
  • Leadership types;
  • Transformational Leadership;
  • The root of behaviours;
  • Develop your transformational leadership capabilities

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