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  •  MasterD Oposiciones MasterD Oposiciones
    PRECIO: A consultar

    Requisitos: Ser español o nacional de un Estado miembro de la Unión Europea o nacional del Reino de Noruega o de la República de Islandia.Tener cumplidos los 16 años de edadEstar en posesión o en condiciones de obtener el título de diplomado en Enferme...

Oposición para Executive Stress Management


Oposición Presencial en Eskil (Canadá)

Duración: 2 días


Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set in place interventions.

Objetivos: - Acquaint yourself with the causes of stress. - Understand the application of talking therapy. - Gain an insight into the use of emotional intelligence in managing stress. - Develop your abilities in reflection and meditation; manage irrational beliefs. - Create new and meaningful networks.

A quién va dirigido: Our workshops are based around confidentiality: senior people need a safe 'sandboxed' environment to explore their thinking and so we must create the right space for this to happen. Based on this, our program is only open to such people as: - CEOs / Managing Directors interested in growing their strategic capability. - Members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) needing to bolster their strategic strengths. - Members of the Senior Management Team identified for progression into the SLT. If you are unsure about the suitability of this workshop for you, contact our Concierge Team and they can talk it through with you.

Información adicional

For a limited time, all Open Workshops are available at our Corporate Customer Prices - speak with the Concierge Team for details.

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Temario completo de este curso

'Executive Stress Management' is a 2-day program for people in the boardoom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set in place interventions.

Course structure:

  • Understanding stress
  • The benefits & dis-benefits of your stress
  • Identifying your state and your trait
  • Handling the stress
  • Your thought processes
  • Responses to stress
  • Emotional management
  • ABC & NATS
  • Breaking the cycle
  • Relaxation & meditation

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