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Título Oficial Máster Universitario en Innovación y Marketing Turístico

UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia
UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia

Máster Online

Precio: 3.900 € (+ IVA)

Resumen del máster

Spain is the world's leading destination for holiday tourism, and the second most visited country in the world with the most World Heritage cities, the third in terms of natural areas declared Biosphere Reserves, or the country with the most Blue Flag beaches in the entire Northern Hemisphere. The Master's in Innovation and Tourism Marketing offered by UCAM, an Affiliated Member of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), is an essential step in the honing of professional skills and a giant leap in the modernization of tourism management, thereby improving the competitiveness of tourism companies and popular tourist destinations.

Requisitos: Grado, Licenciatura o Diplomatura

A quién va dirigido: The Master’s in Innovation and Tourism Marketing is intended for people that are passionate about the culture of innovation, technology, and marketing applied in tourism organizations. Students entering this program must be a graduate of a tourism related study or have a degree at the university level in a different academic field. This program is appropriate for students who want to acquire or expand their knowledge with regards to the setup and operations management aimed at innovation and marketing processes in the tourism sector.

Información adicional

Salidas Profesionales:
At the end of the program graduates are qualified to: Successfully develop their own business in the tourism sector. Start / resume their career in the private sector holding positions of responsibility in departments of general management, innovation, human resources, marketing or communication. Work as project or product managers, online managers in eCommerce, social media, revenue management etc. or as manager of innovation and tourism technology. Develop their career in the public sector e.g. in the planning and management of smart destinations. Advise public and private companies in the innovation, marketing and implementation of new technologies in the development of tourism projects. Begin their professional career in the area of teaching and research.

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Temario completo de este curso

Módule I.
Innovation a reality in the tourism sector
The new global tourism environment.
Módule II.
Innovation applied to Tourism Business Models
Innovation and Creativity applied to the Generation of Value
Innovation applied to Tourism Processes
Innovation applied to the Management of Tourism Businesses.
Module III: Technologies applied to tourism
The public support to the development of technology in tourism.
Module IV: Knowledge and Management of Customer and Markets
Innovation and Tourism Marketing Management.
Module V: Internship
Theoretical and Practical Seminar.
Module VI: Final Project
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