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Global Master in International Sports Law

En estos momentos el centro Instituto Superior Derecho y Economia (ISDE) no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.

Instituto Superior Derecho y Economia (ISDE)
Instituto Superior Derecho y Economia (ISDE)

Máster Online

Precio: 21.000 €
Duración: 12 meses

Resumen del máster

The main importance of the programme is focused on teaching topics on major elements of International Sports Law, which the professional daily life of an international sport lawyer or manager are not too much elaborated on.
Dirigido a: The Global Executive Master in International Sports Law will be aimed and focused on the sector of already experienced lawyers or other persons already holding a B.A. degree who have proved experience and knowledge in the field of Sport Law or Sport Management and will be interested in studying and receiving a Masters Degree in International Sports Law.

Requisitos: The Global Executive Master in International Sports Law will be aimed and focused on the sector of already experienced lawyers or other persons already holding a B.A. degree who have proved experience and knowledge in the field of Sport Law or Sport Management and will be interested in studying and receiving a Masters Degree in International Sports Law.

Temario completo de este curso

Global Master in International Sports Law

The Global Executive Master in International Sports Law is focused on major elements of the International Sports Law world.

The Global Executive Master in International Sports Law will be aimed and focused on the sector of already experienced lawyers or other persons already holding a B.A. degree who have proved experience and knowledge in the field of Sport Law or Sport Management and will be interested in studying and receiving a Masters Degree in International Sports Law.

Goal & Purposes
The main importance of the programme is focused on teaching topics on major elements of International Sports Law, which the professional daily life of an international sport lawyer or manager are not too much elaborated on.
Due to the fact that this programme will be offered to already practicing and experienced lawyers or Sport Managers with ongoing activities, the studies will be carried out by correspondence and on an 'on-line basis' however within the term of the program, three encounters will take place in Madrid for a period not lasting more than two days for each encounter.

Academic programme
1. Choice of law and conflict of laws in sport-related disputes and proceedings
International laws, regulations of sport organizations, law of the seat of the arbitral or judicial panel, choice of law by the parties, restrictions on the choice of law due to public law principles, etc.
2. Swiss Private International Law
With a special focus on International Arbitration (Chapter 12 of the Swiss Civil Code).
3. The fight against doping, with a special focus on the legitimacy of the WADA Code
History, creation of WADA, purpose of the WADA Code, doping procedures in different sport organizations, the WADA Code in light of principles of criminal and disciplinary law and regulations, and as confronted with basic human rights and international conventions or directives regarding human rights.
4. Conflict of jurisdiction in sport disputes
The relation between proceedings brought before international courts or internal sport organization judicial bodies.
5. Internationalization of sport
With special focus on the relations between sport organizations which are mostly European entities subject to EU Law, however governing sport activities also in all parts of the world, not just subject to the EU Law and principles.
6. Sport Law in the U.S.A.
The structure of sport organizations in the U.S.A. and their relation to international sport organizations, focusing on different views and attitudes regarding the structure of sport activities, international transfers, special regulations, as well as special characteristics in the laws of the game, etc.
7. Sport and EU Law
The impact and influence of the EU Law on international sport-related issues.
8. Sport financing
Different attitudes towards sport activities financing, private ownership as opposed to public ownership and the co-existence of both regulatory issues related to sport financing, etc.
History, functions, proceedings and new developments with a special focus on matters of importance for practising lawyers representing and appearing in CAS/TAS.
10. Employment/Labour Law in the framework of sport
Basic principles of labour relations and their co-existence with sport organizations regulations, sportsmen as employees; The specificity of sport and its impact on the basic principles of labour relations.
11. The definition of 'Sport' and the recognition of an activity as 'Sport'
G.A.I.S.F. (General Association of International Sports Federations) The Olympic movement, with a special focus on those organizations, who is entitled to become a member and be recognized as 'Sport' or 'Olympic sport'?, etc.
12. 'Lex Sportiva'
Does it exist? Is there still a real debate on the question?

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