Curso de International MBA

Esic, Business & Marketing School
Esic, Business & Marketing School

Curso Presencial en Pozuelo de Alarcon (Madrid)

Duración: 18 meses

Resumen del curso

A unique program to manage business administration in an international business and entrepreneurial environment, offering a cross-cultural experience and a deep immersion. The main objective of the IMBA is for participants to gain, upgrade and strengthen their knowledge, abilities, and general management skills to evolve toward the current new stage of globalized markets, giving way to an exciting framework of opportunities where future leaders must demonstrate a cross-functional approach to management, contributing remarkably to the company's strategy and action plan. Their contribution must take the form of decisions, bringing together conscious leadership, digital innovation, influence, ethics, and social commitment, resulting in meaningful changes in the market competition to guarantee outstanding achievements with efficiency and efficacy and gain competitiveness in new complex scenarios with disruptive and innovative business models.

Objetivos: 1.Understand and demonstrate relevant knowledge of concepts about organizational functions in which students operate in an uncertain and changing business environment, including managing risk. 2.Identify, integrate, and assess emerging challenges of the economic and social environments due to increasing uncertainty context, changing global trends, and digitalization of global markets. 3.Define and frame the purpose for business activities making critical decisions in sustainability and ethical values and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles as major global trends that shape the business. 4.Enhance personal skills for future job requirements based on critical thinking and top communication competencies for diverse and digitalized management contexts. 5.Frame business administration activities and decisions in ethical and human values and corporate social responsibility, recognizing their role in business and developing action plans demonstrating awareness of broader trends. 6.Communicate effectively across different settings with all business stakeholders, demonstrating appropriate written communication, effective presentation and interpersonal skills, and the drive to work independently or head a team.

A quién va dirigido: This master’s degree is for young professionals from Business administration-related areas, willing to work in an international business environment that includes the latest innovations and business models to acquire the insight, expertise, networks, and mindset to become successful executives and managers in tomorrow’s business environment.

Información adicional

SCHOLARSHIPS AND STUDY GRANTS We do not want economic issues to be an obstacle for you to reach your objectives and ensure a training with a future. Therefore, we present you with a wide range of possibilities that will help you in this sense, both the Scholarship Plan that we have developed at ESIC, as well as those that are available to you from different public and private organisations. The scholarships and grants available are as follows: • In-house scholarships • National scholarships • International scholarships • Mobility grants for international internships • Insurance and financial aid

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Temario completo de este curso


International Markets
Global macroeconomics
Business Ethics & Sustainability
Digital transformation & Data Analytics
Market Research & Analysis
Financial Analysis
Marketing Management
Project Management


Leadership & Communication
Critical Thinking
Storytelling & Presentation tools/techniques


Chinese Culture
Chinese Language
Strategic Management
HHRR Management
Corporate Finance
Operation Management
Organizational Behavior
Frontiers of Management lecture series


The program in Spain culminates in the entrepreneurial business plan, which forms the primary focus of your IMBA. The project involves 10 credits within the IMBA in ESIC required for completion.

This project is a group-based work to be carried out as a team, consisting of between 3-5 members, designed to develop professional research skills applied to a real business idea proposed by the students, as well as the skills necessary to propose suggestions for the company as consultants. The aim is for participants to demonstrate not only academic achievements but also the improvement of personal and professional skills throughout the project's development, as well as show your IMBA program outcomes under an entrepreneurial approach supported by the ESIC Entrepreneurship Department.

Your team will build a strategic business plan to provide the company with solutions and recommendations for success. In doing so, your team will meticulously research the market to ensure you understand industry trends and can understand and predict consumer behavior to lead the business idea in the right direction. Your team will identify the changes across different market sectors and how those trends affect the ability to reach those target markets and provide valuable suggestions to the business proposed on how to move forward in a manner that generates revenue and branding for them.


The program in China culminates in an individual report leading to a monographic study of not less than 25,000 words developed in English and including a 3,000-word abstract in Chinese. The project involves 12 credits within the IMBA in SISU program, which is required to complete the DUAL degree. The process will be monitored by both ESIC and SISU and consists of the following sections:

Preparation (Supervisor Selection)
Research and Thesis Proposal June-October
Thesis Writing, In-progress Inspection, Draft Thesis Submission, Thesis Finalization, Author- concealed Evaluation, Thesis Review and Thesis Defense October-Next May
Thesis summary and Degree Application

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