Objetivos: To study in depth the discipline of packaging, its history and new trends, and to know how society and the consumer influence in the packaging solutions. To offer the necessary theoretical/practical tools to make and present a packaging project: naming creation, lettering and applied typography, art direction and presentation techniques. To know the lines that follow the strategists and designers to create a successful product, to acquire a solid theoretical basis of branding and to know how a product is created and developed from the marketing point of view. To put into practice the acquired knowledge through the analysis, plan, design and execution of packaging projects. To detect the needs of the client and to create packages that answer the demand of different sectors. To learn how to create more efficient and sustainable packages that encourage good design and the correct use of materials. To give the students the specific knowledge in materials that the packaging industry uses: package creation, pre-printing and printing, quality controls and to identify the different kind of packages that exist and their possibilities. To know the factor that condition the production and selection of a package to a specific product and the role that the selection of a specific type of package can have in a product.
A quién va dirigido: Preferably at graduated in graphic and/or industrial design, professionals or academic profiles with proven experience in the several fields of these studies.
Practical workshops in which around 10 practical cases of different nature and category are resolved: from gourmet packaging to widespread consumption, from re-design to the creation of new packages, from eco-design to innovation. Some of these projects go deep in graphic design and art direction, others in structural packaging design. Each workshop is tutorized by a different professional that is expert of the field, who proposes the student a resolution of the case according to their usual working method.
Theoretical concepts and design tools
Theoretical-practical classes that complement each other with exercises to experiment and strengthen the taught contents.
Branding in the packaging environment
Theoretical classes that introduce concepts and contents that will be applied during the different design workshops
Marketing. Communication and advertising strategy
Theoretical classes that introduce concepts and contents that will be applied during the different design workshops
Eco-design of packages and packaging
Theoretical classes that introduce concepts and contents that will be applied during the different design workshops
Materials, packaging pre-printing and printing
Theoretical classes that introduce concepts and contents that will be applied during the different design workshops
ver temario completo
Requisitos: - Ser mayor de 18 años.En este caso se expide el título de “Experto” - Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller, Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional, ser mayor de 25 años con al ...
Requisitos: - Ser mayor de 18 años.En este caso se expide el título de “Experto” - Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller, Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional, ser mayor de 25 años con al ...
Requisitos: - Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller o declarado equivalente, de Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional o ser mayor de 25 años con al menos 1 año de experiencia profesional ...
Objetivos: - Dominar los fundamentos de la comunicación y la publicidad, y aprender a manejar los programas clave actuales de diseño: Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop. Requisitos: Efectuar la ...
Objetivos: - Dar a conocer unas nociones básicas y avanzadas sobre el mundo de la fotografía digital.- Proveer a los alumnos de los conocimientos necesarios para poder trabajar con las herramientas ...
Curso a distancia de 3D Studio Design 2012, con una carga lectiva de 250 horas. Durante todo el proceso de formación el alumno contará con el apoyo de un tutor, vía telefónica para asesorarte mejor. ...
Objetivos: - Gestionar todo tipo de proyectos editoriales- Dominar la gestión de la calidad en productos editoriales.- Adquirir conocimientos profundos sobre el proceso gráfico.- Maquetar todo tipo ...
Objetivos: Dotar al alumno de los conocimientos necesarios para diseñar ambientes, iluminar, asignar cámaras y animar escenas modeladas por ellos con el objetivo de crear renders y vídeos. ...
Este máster pretende formar un nuevo tipo de profesional con vocación por las nuevas tecnologías, aglutinando en un mismo programa de estudios diversas disciplinas del mundo del ...
A quién va dirigido: Gracias a este Máster conseguirás la titulación de Máster en Diseño Gráfico y Desarrollo Web (HTML 5, CSS3, Dreamweaver CS4, Photoshop CS4 y CorelDraw X4), expedido por European ...
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