Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 7.500 €

    Objetivos: El Máster en Dirección de Empresas (MBA) persigue como objetivo incrementar la capacitación de los asistentes y afianzar sus dotes de liderazgo, su capacidad de resolución de problemas y su integración en equipos de trabajo. En definitiva, l...

Master en Relaciones Internacionales y Negocios Internacionales

Esei - International Business School
Esei - International Business School

Máster Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 9.300 €
Duración: 1 años

Resumen del máster

Objetivos: To acquire the management skills, abilities and techniques necessary to develop successfully in an international environment. To work with case studies in order to learn about the professional standards in the sector and to improve related aptitudes. To acquire skills and learn proper practices related to team work, international vision, interdisciplinary practice and problem solving. To become a member of a network of classmates, tutors, faculty members, experts in international relations, etc., which will allow the development of the contacts necessary to enter and grow in the sector.

Temario completo de este curso

• The Geopolitical Environment

• Global governance and International Organizations

• Regional Specialisations

• Strategy and Environment

• Professional Communications and Development

• Financial Management

• Cross-Cultural Management and Diversity

• Strategic Communications Management and Public Relations

• International Business Law

• Importing, exporting and global sourcing

Every Master’s programme consists of 10 modules (5 per semester), each worth 4 credits plus a thesis (academic research or business plan) of 20 credits. For each module, students spend 18 hours in the classroom over 6 weeks. The semester is split into two blocks: Block 1 (first 6 weeks + presentation week) and Block 2 (second 6 weeks + presentation week). Each module is taught and graded by one teacher, before going through the moderation process conducted by the academic department.

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