Objetivos: El alumno aprenderá que las cualidades de un buen escaparate dependen de una correcta ubicación, una buena visibilidad, la coherencia en su planteamiento, la unidad de contenidos, la correcta organización de las mercancías, su oportunidad re...
En estos momentos el centro IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design. no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.
Objetivos: To focus predominantly on research by learning a methodology and project process. The end result is not a goal in itself, but a vehicle for providing the student with the necessary knowledge and tools to handle any type of multidisciplinary project in the future. Students develop the ability to plan and understand the stages of the work process by alternating both aspects. The course also draws on the students’ diverse backgrounds in order to further enhance the group’s knowledge. To have greater contact with the professional world and acquire the necessary tools to tackle the heterogeneity and diversity of programmes and places encompassed within the field of interior design.
A quién va dirigido: Architects; interior designers; designers of ephemeral or permanent public spaces, landscapers and urban furniture designers, atmospheric designers as creative art directors (film, television and advertising); product designers (furniture systems, surfaces, design of recycled sustainable interior finishes); design consultants; graphic designers; set designers (theater, dance); creators and assemblers of exhibitions; exhibitions or stands; professionals of the fine arts (sculpture, performance, installations, photography); designers and event organizers (fashion shows, corporate events, parties).
Guided travel with a professional tutor for students to realize an investigation and analysis related to the specialization of the Master. IED organizes the academic content and students cover the expenses. An alternative experience is proposed for those who cannot participate in the travel.
Visit of Barcelona with the aim to know the city from the point of view its culture and the creative people producing their work within it. The Design Tour is specifically designed to match with the aim of the master course.
Conferences, meetings, talks and other events that get professional and students closer, sharing experiences and best practices with experts and companies.
Develop confident, clear and creative public speaking skills. Students are trained in their ability to express concepts persuasively and work is also done on body language, reading and non-verbal language practice.
The portfolio resumes the progress and competences acquired during the course. It’s a communication tool that incudes the professional and the academic experience and shows the student’s personal branding.
Acquisition of knowledge about the precedents of world design with a special emphasis on Italian culture, which is an integral part of the IED Barcelona ethos.
Visualization, knowledgment of the different steps driven to the creative problem solving
Completion of projects that ensure a balance between economic growth, environmental stewardship and social welfare, taking into account the environmental impact of any proposal during each of its phases.
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Objetivos: Al finalizar el estudio del Curso superior de Visual Merchandising and Retail Design, serás capaz de: · Delinear un plano mediante el dibujo asistido por ordenador si se dispone del ...
Objetivos: Al finalizar el estudio del curso de diseño de interiores para viviendas, serás capaz de:•Comprender qué es un proyecto de interiores.•Aprender a representarlo.•Acercarte a la teoría de ...
Objetivos: Al finalizar el estudio del curso de escenografía e instalaciones efímeras, serás capaz de:•Comprender qué es una escena o un espacio expositivo.•Aprender a representarlo de manera ...
MÓDULO I. ACERCAMIENTO CONCEPTUAL AL DISEÑO Tema 1. Fundamentos básicos de diseño y estética Tema 2. Principios básicos de la luz y el color Tema 3. ...
Objetivos: "Conoce cómo actúa la psicología, sus teorías desde los orígenes gasta la actualidad,Aprende a identificar las patologías más comunes en la actualidad.Aprende a manejar las situaciones ...
Objetivos: "Nociones básicas sobre un proyecto de decoración.Conocer las técnicas empleadas en la decoración de interiores.Aprender a diseñar la decoración interior de establecimientos," A quién va ...
Objetivos: El programa docente de este curso enseñará todas las técnicas de decoración y diseño de un escaparate atractivo y llamativo. e estudiarán dos conceptos en torno a la materia. una parte ...
Objetivos: "Aprender sobre el diseño y composición de e in escaparate.Conocer los estilos decorativos actuales.Aprender a crear un proyecto de interiorismo para comercios." Requisitos: No tiene ...
" Tema 1. El marketing en el punto de venta Tema 2. Tratamiento del espacio Tema 3. Optimización del lineal Tema 4. Diseño y composición del escaparate Tema 5. Publicidad en ...
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