Master in Brand Design and Management: Food, wine and tourism

IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Máster Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 18.900 €
Duración: 11 meses

Resumen del máster

Objetivos: The Master’s main goal is to encourage the development of professional proficiency by implementing an active approach based on “Learning by doing” that blends expertise and listening skills through both practical and theoretical methods related to “Design Thinking”. The aim is to train strategy and communication experts in identity-building and values related to brands in the food, wine and tourism industry. The Master will be held in Barcelona and Florence, two cities bound by a long-standing history of tourism, wine and restaurant industry. Tuscany and Catalunya’s massive presence in dedicated trade fairs and internationally renowned businesses put them on the map as strategic regions for those pursuing a career in this specific field.

A quién va dirigido: The Master is open to post-graduates from diverse majors that have a particular interest for the food, wine or tourism world’s dynamics: Graduates in Marketing. The Master is open to post-graduates from diverse majors that have a particular interest for the food, wine or tourism world’s dynamics: Graduates in Marketing, Communication, Management, Business/ Economics, Hospitality, Service or product Design, Architecture, Tourism and Branding We also accept candidates that have significant professional experience in the field.

Temario completo de este curso

Area I_MARKETING (Florence)
  • The first part of the Master offers the possibility to know how some economic models - through which it is possible to understand the culture value - work. Systematically dealing with the single specific marketing tools, the potential of the culture as economic development asset will be shown.

  • It deals with the potential offered by the new communication technologies in order to develop a Brand Plan through specific communication and advertising tools according to the crossmedia principles.

  • This section of the program focuses on the communication chain analysing in detail events types and the role of press offices, PR, photographer and other roles involved. The module is comprised of the following units: Public Relation and Hospitality, Events , digital PR

  • The focus of this section is to learn different techniques and methodologies of Design Thinking applied to specific topics in services related to tourism, food and wine field. The aim is to explore the themes of design and management and how they work together. Focus on participants to employ lateral thinking (“thinking outside the box”) in approaching projects and problems.

Area V_SERVICE DESIGN (Barcelona)
  • In this section students acquire and refine all the necessary capacities to successfully conceptualize a hotel or restaurant as well as design the “services” required for each type of activity. Much attention is given to the study and use of the “Barcelona design system” for final project proposals.

  • Development of a final project in line with the course contents, typically involves the creation of an articulated project for a company. The final project can be developed individually or within a small group and generally recreates the relationship between commissioner and consulting studio. The goal of the final work is to be a transition from the study path to professional career. Past final work examples include the branding and marketing campaign analysis for a company or business, or the launch of a brand’s product in a new market, a communication campaign analysis, production process innovation, social media strategies and the complete development of an event.
ver temario completo

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