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Master in Brain and Cognition

UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Màsters Oficials
UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Màsters Oficials

Máster Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 3.301 €
Duración: 1 años

Resumen del máster

Objetivos: The aim of this master's programme is to offer research-oriented training in various fundamental domains of cognitive neuroscience. The programme faculty's main objective is to provide students with the training they need to understand how a scientific question becomes a topic of experimental research in cognitive neuroscience and how they could carry out this research.

A quién va dirigido: The master's programme will be of interest to psychologists, philosophers, MDs, biologists, linguists, mathematicians or physicists seeking to pursue a career investigating the fascinating question of how the relationship between the mind and the brain enables cognitive functions. While the programme is thus particularly apt for students who want to be trained to do research in cognitive neuroscience, it is also strongly recommended for individuals seeking to enrich their careers by obtaining a solid basis in cognitive neuroscience. Given its research orientation, the level of this one-year master's programme corresponds to the second year of a two-year master's in other international programmes. Students who are interested in the programme but do not have sufficient credits to enrol in a second-year master should contact the coordinator for further information.

Temario completo de este curso

MODULE 1: Cognitive Neuroscience and Research Techniques

Exploration of the most important experiments on the various aspects of human cognition and the results thereof. Presentation of the most common research techniques, procedures, and designs and approaches to data analysis and the interpretation of results.
  • Data Analysis for Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Neuroimaging Methods
  • Comparative Cognition
  • Early Human Cognition
  • The Physiological Basis of Visual Perception
  • Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
  • Cognitive Neuroscience of Language
  • Cognitive Neuroscience of Perception and Attention
  • Social Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Required Reading - Must be read before the start of class!

MODULE 2. Materia: Seminars

Weekly critical and constructive analysis of one or more ongoing experiments, either of a participant in the master's programme or of someone external to it. Tracking of students' designs, methodologies, data analyses, results, and conclusions.
  • Seminar
MODULE 3: Master's Degree Final Project
  • Master Degree Final Project
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