Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence for Architecture & Design

En estos momentos el centro UIC Barcelona no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.

UIC Barcelona
UIC Barcelona

Máster Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 9.480 €
Duración: 10 meses

Resumen del máster

After what it was called “the first digital era in architectural design”, (1990-2005), the discipline has started a general debate about how the “second digital era in design” should be defined. The appearance of Big Data, breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence making that type of algorithms ubiquitous and, also, the exponential increase of robotic technology and its access easiness for non experts, has provoked a debate about a shift in the Architectural paradigm that is attacking the main definition of what an architect is. Architects are obliged to work as/or with computational experts for the new transdisciplinar design methodologies. Lack of these types of skills in new designers’ generations can cause a very dangerous situation: our discipline design methodologies will be led by architecture non-experts. Architects arrive late to the Artificial intelligence era, and it can be considered innocent to think that such a shift in humanity will be not affecting our discipline enough to have to train our future architects with basic AI related skills. It is precisely within the Architectonic field were a more disconnected and disjointed debate is taking place. This course intends to contribute to the improvement of this disconnection through the general improvement of an Artificial Intelligence background, customized for architect, so they can be future leaders in the future transdisciplinary work environments.

Objetivos: The main aim of the program is to provide designers with a wide knowledge of the field and to abilitate them to be able to work in transdisciplinar environments in the future. As Artificial Intelligence is widely affecting all layers of human society and research disciplines it is considered to be of fundamental importance to create a program that will prepare designers for that future situation. It is proposed a full-time intensive training in Artificial Intelligence techniques applicable to several types of designers’ processes. One of the main focus of the program structure will be flexibility, allowing the contents to be updated annually depending on the last Artificial Intelligence breakthroughs. According to that idea, it is proposed Research Informed Teaching as the basis for teaching methodologies.

Requisitos: Student competences ● Up to date Architects regarding key concepts on nowadays theoretical/technological debate ● Embedded Technologies | Calm Technologies Skills Artificial Intelligence based ● Collaborative practise | Inter & Transdisciplinar Architects ● Understanding of Research based Design ● Research skills development ● Holistic training regarding Artificial Intelligence for having competitive architects in future work environments ● Understanding rigour and Method Shift on the “traditional” Architectural Practise ● Capabilities for managing Interaction-Participation-processing

Temario completo de este curso

1st Term (Autumn)


ECTS Credits

Investigating Research


Learning by doing


Theory pill 1


Design by Research Studio 1


Seminar 1


Critical Theories 1


2nd Term (Winter)


ECTS credits

Theory pill 2


Design by Research studio 2


Seminar 2


Seminar 3


Critical Theories 2


3rd Semester (Spring)


ECTS credits

Theory pill 3


Design by Research studio 3


Critical Theory 3


Design implementation studio


ver temario completo

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