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  •  Formación Universitaria Formación Universitaria
    PRECIO: A consultar

    Conocer con precisión los principios y fundamentos físicos y químicos en los que se basa la fotografía, así como reconocer los distintos tipos y principios teóricos de funcionamiento de las emulsiones y materiales fotosens...

Máster Europeo de Fotografía de Autor


Máster Presencial en Madrid (Madrid)

Precio: 12.500 €
Duración: 11 meses

Resumen del máster

The Master’s proposal is based on the premise that there is a conceptual, European creative identity, which is and must be a primordial reference point in terms of academics, culture, and the art market. The proposal is not, however, closed, but rather, as everything European, an open invitation to

Información adicional

The program methodology is mainly based on workshops with high-level artists and theorists. The students will have meetings with a weekly or fortnightly frequency. In addition, students can benefit from group and individual projects, personalized tutoring and enjoy visits to companies and studios. R

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Temario completo de este curso

The programme mainly stands out because of the quality of the faculty, the European approach of its contents and the collaboration with international institutions. The syllabus
embraces a wide range of subjects and examples allowing students to gain an unclouded professional picture of the sector.
The course is divided into subject-based modules corresponding to the skills that each pupil will acquire upon completion. The course modules are as follows:
Specific Module
All the areas that configure the specific skills of the course. The aim here is to train the students from a professional perspective in the essential technical and cultural knowledge required by the sector. These areas comprise a host of different subjects and form the main body of the master’s course.We stand out from other the following contents:
• Processes of Creativity
• Photo-Books & Portfolio Review
• Photographic Genres Revisited
• Editing & Publishing
• Archives and Collections
• Authorial Identity
• Media Art and Image Culture
• New Documentary Style
• Theoretical Workshops: The main aim of the theoretical orkshops module is to tackle contemporary artistic photography from a theoretical standpoint through two types of workop. The aim of the first type is to conduct an analysis of the information contained within photographs, how photographs work, how they take shape, and how they have evolved over the years since the invention of photography in the nineteenth century, questioning the different methods employed across the centuries, which have been repeatedly reviewed and reinterpreted based on the geographic, cultural, social, economic and political variables of the photographers and where they come from.
The other type is aimed at raising awareness and knowledge of photobooks, exploring the historical and theoretical aspects of artists’ books while also presenting and drawing
distinctions between the different uses of photography featuring in artists’ books.
Students will analyse and discuss artists in accordance with the main subject areas and good or bad uses of photography in artists’ books. This will help to familiarise them with books in general and with the different uses and functions of photography within artists’ books in particular.
• Artistic Workshops: This module is essentially an opportunity to meet prominent figures from the world of contemporary fine art photography, who will accompany students as they carry out their own photographic work through practical exercises featuring course content. This will enable students to incorporate different tools to open up creative alternatives for developing their own work.

Cross-Curricular Module: This module aims to provide useful tools to discuss about the specific modes and capabilities of the contemporary artistic profession, offering the student a content support in two fundamental axes for his/her further professional development:

• Multidisciplinary cultural activities: Students will have the opportunity to attend cultural activities developed by IED Madrid where they will enter in contact with different professionals in order to learn other perspectives and visions and broaden their critical training
• Knowledge taught through the IED Madrid online Campus platform in important areas of the philosophy of IED as sustainability or design’s historical critical concepts

Final Project Module: The final project, a key part of the program and essential to fulfil it, aims to research, analyze, develop and present a project as an integrating exercise of the abilities acquired during the development of the master. This will entail the experience of creating an original work suitable and fit for a photography exhibition.

Dirección del Curso: / Course Director: Moritz Neumüller

Coordinación del Curso: / Course coordination: Marta Orozco

Créditos: / Credits: 90

Duración: Course lenght: april 2015 - march 2016, abril 2015 - marzo 2016

Horario / Schedule: Flexible hours as required for the workshops. Preferably from 15:00 to 18:30h

Dirigido a: / Students: with a degree or diploma in the area of Communications, Advertising, Art and Design. An advanced knowledge of photography is essential. Professional experience is also valued.

Proceso de admisión: / Entry requirement: Curriculum Vitae, Letter of Interest for taking this course, Artistic Portfolio (maximum 3MB), Reel or link to your website (where applicable). Personal interview as deemed necessary by the Academic Coordination.

Language: Classes will be held in English (in the event of holding any activity in Spanish, simultaneous translation into English will be available).

Titulación obtenida: / Certification: At the end of the course, an accredited certificate will be awarded for having satisfactorily completed the course.

Asistencia: / Attendance: Class attendance is mandatory and will be neccessary to obtain a diploma.

Plazas: / Class size: The average IED Master class size is 22 students. Limited space.
Información y admisiones: / Information and Admissions: +34 91 448 04 44 ·

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