Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 895 €
    CURSO:Semipresencial en Badalona (Barcelona)

    Objetivos: "Con este curso abordarás los fundamentos teórico-prácticos necesarios para llevar la administración sanitaria con total solvencia. El curso de secretariado médico te aportará conocimientos y habilidades técnicas para gestionar la documentac...

Máster en Design Health Barcelona


Máster Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 6.600 €

Resumen del máster

Inspired in the Stanford University's Biodesign Fellowship, Design Health Barcelona is a postgraduate course to develop entrepreneurs and creative leaders in healthcare innovation. Fellows experience a full cycle of innovation.

Información adicional

PROFILES: Graduates and PhDs in Health, Bio, Tech, Business, Engineering and Design.

CLINICAL IMMERSIO AT: Hospital Clínic, Hospital St Joan de Déu, Institut Guttmann

Entrepreneurship, innovation departments (hospitals, pharma, medtech companies), venture capital

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Temario completo de este curso

Design Health Barcelona (d·HEALTH Barcelona) is a master’s degree (Universitat de Barcelona) to develop entrepreneurs and future leaders in healthcare innovation. It is inspired and modeled in the prestigious Stanford University's Biodesign Fellowship that seeks to train a team of fellows in the process of biodesign.

d·HEALTH Barcelona is a program where interdisciplinary teams made of four people with backgrounds in medicine, engineering, management or design, experience a full cycle of innovation.

After an initial training period of 5 weeks (bootcamp), selected fellows start with an immersion at a hospital setting in Barcelona to identify real and unmet needs. During two months each team get immersed in the daily routine of a top hospital of Barcelona (Hospital Clínic, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu or Institut Guttman). Then, fellows design, prototype and implement a new product or service to solve one of the needs identified during the clinical immersion. At the end of the program, they will pitch their innovations to a panel of investors to get the funding to implement them.
The whole process means enjoying a unique learning experience composed by 5 phases where the fellows will receive an intensive introduction to the clinical field on the specialty area chosen by each hospital. They learn how to build a viable business and receive training in subjects such as design thinking or creative leadership through a series of classes and workshops taught by over 50 international experts.
Design Health Barcelona shares the same spirit of Stanford's Biodesign innovation process: the identification, invention and implementation of new medical technologies. It works at the interfaces of Science and Business, using an X-Thinking approach to facilitate and accelerate healthcare entrepreneurship.

X-Thinking is a combination of human-centered, prototype-driven tools and methods that, in conjunction with the scientific and business knowledge, provide fellows with the skills, values, attitudes and behaviours necessary to produce disruptive solutions to tackle any complex challenge
d·HEALTH Barcelona is also innovative by the high degree of internationalization of its faculty and brings together more than 70 experts and entrepreneurs in the biomedical, health, economic, financial and design fields. View the full list at the website.
Bootcamp - 5 weeks

Team Building
Introduction to Business, Medicine, Engineering & Design
Intensive introduction to the Clinical field

Phase I: Identify - 8 weeks
Hospital immersion:
— Hospital Clínic Barcelona
— Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
— Institut Guttmann

Phase II: Invent - 9 weeks
Need filtering
Concept selection


Phase III: Implement - 7 weeks
Business Model Design
Lean LaunchPad

Graduation Day - 1 day
Presenting the results internally to the +150 member of the d·HEALTH community. Introduction to national and international investors (VCs and Bas)



Medicine for Entrepreneurs and Innovators
Breakthroughs in Life Scienes and Healthcare
The Healthcare Industry: Overview & Fundamentals
— Life Sciences, Pharma and Biotech
— Providers and services
— Medical devices
— IT & Digital Health
Health Economics
Health Technology
Clinical Trial Design
Prototyping and product development
Medical Device Prototyping
Global Health

Management tools
for entrepreneurs
Business Model Design
Business Innovation
Project Management
People Management
Naming & Branding
Dilemmas of the entrepreneur
Legal & IP Basics
Regulatory Affairs
Reimbursement Basics
Finance for Entrepreneurs: Getting between the Balance Sheet
Funding for Entrepreneurs
Leadership Skills:
— Leading oneself
— Leading the team
— Leading the venture

Thinking tools:
— Design Thinking
— Integrative Thinking
— Strategic Thinking
— Creative Thinking
— Critical & Logical Thinking
— Systems Thinking
— TOC Thinking processes
— Visual Thinking
— Quantitative Thinking
— Biomimicry

— Teamwork and Networking skills/ dynamics
— Process and Norms for Well-Performing Teams
— Presentation skills
— Negotiation skills
— Selling skills

d·HEALTH Barcelona actively promotes entrepreneurship. Our goal is that our fellows launch their own ventures by the end of the program.
d·HEALTH Barcelona can also give you access to fascinating careers in related fields such as intrapreneurship, innovation management and entrepreneurial finance. Examples of opportunities for d·HEALTH Barcelona graduates are joining...
· The innovation department of a tertiary university hospital
· The innovation department of a medtech company or pharma company
· A big established medtech company
· Another SME medtech venture
· A venture capital specialized in healthcare
· A healthcare incubator

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