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    PRECIO: A consultar

    Se cuenta con profesores de acreditada experiencia nacional e internacional en seguridad y Defensa (militares y fuerzas de seguridad del Estado), que han ejercido su profesión en España y fuera de ella en el marco de Organizaciones Internacionales.

Blended MIT Zaragoza Masters

UNIZAR - Zaragoza Logistics Center
UNIZAR - Zaragoza Logistics Center

Máster Presencial en Zaragoza (Zaragoza)


Resumen del máster

The blended master's degree refers to a new option that is being developed by MIT that would allow learners to combine the MITx MicroMasters credential with one+ semester at Zaragoza Logistics Center in Zaragoza, Spain (and which will also include 3 week stay at MIT). The MicroMasters credential requires a learner to successfully pass five rigorous online courses in supply chain management and also pass a proctored comprehensive exam. Learners with the MITx MicroMasters credential in SCM can then apply to MIT for the blended SCM master’s degree. This new program would require the successful applicant to come to MIT for January and continue studies in Zaragoza through May.

Temario completo de este curso

-Leading Global Teams

-Advanced topics

-Logistics Facilities & Operations

-System Dynamics

-Sustainable Supply Chains

-Elective 1 (obligatory)

-Elective 2 (obligatory)

-Supply Chain Strategy

-Spanish culture

-Advanced Topics

-Writing Seminar

-Capstone project

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