En estos momentos el centro UDG - Universitat de Girona. Màsters Oficials no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.
The MACMoM structures the curriculum with a twofold training: application of catalysis aimed at developing new sustainable processes in chemical synthesis, and the computational chemistry particularly applied to the understanding and improvement of these processes.
It is an internationally oriented course comprising 60 ETCS credits (a full academic year from October to June), which is taught entirely in English. The course is designed around a modular system of teaching and assessment, with modules covering the range of both theory and applications of catalysis. The course is divided into three periods, each of the roughly covering a quadrimester.
The first period (Oct to Dec) is dedicated to most of the core modules of the course. The second period (Jan to Feb) comprises one core and the optional modules (up to 12 ECTS). The last period (March-June) is then spent essentially on the master’s research project. The latter can be carried out a) in the laboratories of the IQCC on the Science and Technology Park of the University of Girona, b) in collaboration with the chemical or pharmaceutical industry, mainly in the Girona/Barcelona region, or c) in another European University/research center.
A special module of Scientific Communication and Technology Transfer spans during most of the academic year.
Follow the links below to check the syllabus a details of each subject. Module evaluation and qualification may suffer minor changes each academic year. Particular details of every academic year and materials are provided through the UdG intranet (only for students)
First QuadrimesterThis module spans over most of the academic year and features specialist’s contributions from external lecturers from industry and leading worldwide research groups.
Third QuadrimesterThe Master’s research project will be chosen from a list of options proposed by the research staff of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis, tipically in an area of current research interest. Alternatively, the research project may be carried out on the R+D labs of one of our partner companies or european universities.
Online Course Materials can be accessed through the University’s Intranet Moodle system (UdG users only).
See this course on the University of Girona’s official Master’s programme website.
Curriculum timespan (orientative)
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