Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 199 €

    Objetivos: El objetivo es que el alumno conozca técnicas de organización y planificación dentro del cuerpo de bomberos, para que pueda aplicarlos a su trabajo. Requisitos: Este programa formativo no tiene requisitos previos. A quién va dirigido: El c...

3C - MIT-Zaragoza-Ningbo Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

UNIZAR - Zaragoza Logistics Center
UNIZAR - Zaragoza Logistics Center

Máster Presencial en Zaragoza (Zaragoza)

Duración: 10 meses

Resumen del máster

The 3 Continent (3C) program is a uniquely global master’s degree that gives graduates the problem-solving and change leadership skills they need to become global supply chain leaders. Students gain exposure to an international environment by studying in three continents: Asia, Europe and North America. The program prepares graduates to navigate an intensely competitive commercial landscape that is evolving rapidly due to globalization. The MIT-Zaragoza-Ningbo Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (3C Program) was jointly established by three centers within the MIT Global SCALE Network: MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (MIT CTL), Zaragoza Logistics Center, and Ningbo Supply Chain Innovation Institute China. The curriculum is modeled on MIT CTL’s Supply Chain Master’s program, which has been educating supply chain professionals for almost 20 years and is the model for graduate programs in all six Global SCALE Networks centers of excellence.

Temario completo de este curso

-Meets the high demand for a new type of supply chain leader

-Leads to great job opportunities in top companies

-Creates a highly selective and diverse class environment

-Delivers first-rate recognized education

-Provides access to an exclusive MIT Global network

-Offers a high return on investment

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