Adquirir los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos que capaciten para el manejo de la aplicación.
Aprender a trabajar con las herramientas de Photoshop para la creación, edición y retoque de imágenes. Conocer los distintos modos de color. Aprender a aplicar filtros a las imágenes. Trabajar correctamente con capas, canales y máscaras.
Adquisición de los conocimientos necesarios para manejar y configurar el interfaz de Photoshop CS4 y de la organización básica para trabajar con imágenes.
Adquisición de los conocimientos necesarios para manejar y configurar el interfaz de Photoshop CS6 y de la organización básica para trabajar con imágenes.
Curso presencial dirigido a Desempleados y/o Estudiantes de Retoque Fotográfico con Photoshop.
Ser capaz de publicar imágenes con un propósito comercialAprender a diseñar un calendario de publicacionesSer capaz de promocionar una publicación determinada
El objetivo del curso es el de proporcionar al alumno las destrezas y conocimientos necesarios para coordinar los aspectos técnicos y logísticos de la representación de un espectáculo en vivo o evento en los ámbitos de las necesidades de los ...
Actualmente, aprender a pasar imágenes a un formato digital es fundamental en el mundo del diseño. En este curso aprende a manejar las principales herramientas de digitalización, retoque e impresión de imágenes, así como a manejar con soltura los ...
Prepárate con este curso para incorporarte a un mundo en plena expansión: el diseño, la edición y la animación digital. Comenza adquiriendo los conocimientos más básicos para después aprender a utilizar distintas aplicaciones, herramientas de ...
Mejorar los encuadres, retocar el color, introducir filtros y matices, cambiar el enfoque, modificar la exposición o corregir imperfecciones en tus retratos son algunos de los trucos que te enseñamos con este curso con vocación práctica. Mejora el ...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
Objetivos: Understand the needs of the news media; andFocus clearly on key messages and how to bring them alive;Experience hands-on press, radio and TV interviews;Cope with difficult questions;Speak with passion; andImprove communication skil...
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