Si quieres estudiar inglés de forma individual para alcanzar un nivel que se adapte a tus necesidades y objetivos o necesitas aprender vocabulario específico del cargo laboral que desempeñas, te recomendamos clases particulares
Este curso intensivo de 8 horas semanales durante 4 semanas (32h) permite la consolidación y la ampliación de tu nivel actual.
Inglés para comerciantes representa una opción pedagógica para aquellos comerciantes que encuentran dificultad de comunicación con sus clientes en el uso del idioma inglés.
Inglés para Taxistas representa una opción pedagógica para aquellos profesionales del Taxi que encuentran dificultad de comunicación con sus clientes en el uso del idioma inglés.
Profesor Nativo. Curso impartido totalmente en habla inglesa
Los cursos preparatorios del First Certificate (B2) reciben 2 horas diarias de lunes a Jueves (8 horas semanales) y tienen un coste mensual de 175 euros, con una matricula de 60 euros. El numero maximo de estudiantes por clase es 8.
This Spanish course will provide the students with the Spanish language skills they need. With a maximum of 10 participants per group, this course will allow to develop rapidly the oral and writing skills within a multicultural environment.
Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content.
Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content.
With the intention of creating a course where one is completely immersed in Spanish language and culture, Spanish at the Teacher's Home is a highly exclusive course with private Spanish tuition.
With the intention of creating a course where one is completely immersed in Spanish language and culture, Spanish at the Teacher's Home is a highly exclusive course with private Spanish tuition.
The Elite Intensive Program combines the advantages of the Intensive Spanish lessons with private Spanish tuition.
The Elite Intensive Program combines the advantages of the Intensive Spanish lessons with private Spanish tuition.
Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content. The One-to-One Spanish course is the perfect solution for those with professional or special needs.
Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content.
Learn Spanish fast! This Spanish course is specially recommended for those students who want to get the best results in a short period of time.
Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content. The One-to-One Spanish course is the perfect solution for those with professional or special needs.
Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content.
The Long Term Standard Spanish course is specially recommended for those students who want to learn and improve their Spanish over a long period of time.
This course is specially recommended for those students who want to learn and improve their Spanish over a long period of time.
This course is aimed at teenagers who wish to do a school year in a Spanish high school.
This course is aimed at teenagers who wish to do a school year in a Spanish high school.
DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is the Spanish official certificate to accredit competence in the Spanish language, issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education.
DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is the Spanish official certificate to accredit competence in the Spanish language, issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education.
DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is the Spanish official certificate to accredit competence in the Spanish language, issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education.
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