Fruto de la interdependencia creciente de los mercados geográficos y del desarrollo de los intercambios económicos ligados a la internacionalización de la actividad empresarial se ha consolidado progresivamente una vasta comunidad de operadores.
Conocer las obligaciones básicas que establece la Ley 10/2010, de 28 de abril, de Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales y Financiación del Terrorismo.
Curso muy centrado en analizar el ámbito de acreedores y deudores en la empresa, los tipos de derechos de cobro y su problemática contable, así como la actuación de ésta ante los posibles insolventes.
Estudiar los diferentes estados financieros de las empresas: balance, cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias, memoria, estados de flujos, estados consolidados, etc.
Objetivos: Este título pretende contribuir en la formación de directivos del mundo empresarial, proporcionando un elevado nivel de conocimientos teóricos y prácticos que permita al profesional gestionar las actividades de carácter ...
Objetivos: El objetivo de este máster es formar especialistas en economía, finanzas y empresa para llevar a cabo investigación. Estos especialistas obtendrán las herramientas y los conocimientos necesarios para conducir proyectos de investigación ...
Policy-makers are often forced to make decisions under conditions of uncertainty, but the results of these decisions may directly influence a country’s overall economic performance.While a thorough understanding of aggregate economy dynamics is ...
International Trade, Finance, and Development is a demanding master program that combines rigorous analytical training with a focus on policy.We give students a research-based view of subjects crucial to understanding today's market, designed to ...
The Barcelona GSE Economics Program provides students with rigorous training for admission to top doctoral programs and for technically demanding careers.The Economics Program is the main gateway for admission to the PhD Track of the Graduate ...
The digital revolution brings with it an explosion of data that carries significant potential value for businesses, science, and society.As data becomes easily available as never before, so too does its volume grow, and extracting useful ...
The Economics of Public Policy Program provides students with the theoretical and empirical fundamentals to answer questions that impact entire populations.How and why do particular public policies get implemented? How are they designed? How do we ...
Labor related issues have been studied in the economics profession from a number of different angles. The goal of the Barcelona Labor Economics Summer School is to cover a wide range of topics in labor economics from a variety of perspectives.In ...
The objective of the Systemic Risk and Prudential Policy course is to present state of the frontier research on systemic risk and to illustrate its implications for micro and macro prudential regulation as well as monetary and competition ...
The Barcelona CREI Macroeconomics Summer School offers an overview of the current state of research in key areas of macroeconomics.Courses are taught by leading experts in their fields and cover recent developments in different areas of ...
The Barcelona GSE Intensive Course on Competition Economics: Abuse of Dominance will provide participants (whether lawyers or economists, working for firms or in agencies) with a thorough understanding of the most recent economic theories of ...
The increasing availability of individual data from surveys has led not only to a significant growth in the number of academic jobs of an empirical nature using this type of information but also to a greater number of studies commissioned by public ...
Macroeconometrics is an important area of research in economics. Time series methods for empirical macroeconomics have become very popular and widely used in the academia as well as in public and private institutions.The goal of the Barcelona ...
The Barcelona GSE Economics Program provides students with rigorous training for admission to top doctoral programs and for technically demanding careers.Students who complete this program will acquire an excellent grounding and deep understanding ...
How and why do particular public policies get implemented? How are they designed? How do we know if they work? Why are some policies more successful than others?National-level finance and planning involves big numbers: pensions, health systems, ...
The Barcelona GSE Intensive Course on Competition Economics: Abuse of Dominance will provide participants (whether lawyers or economists, working for firms or in agencies) with a thorough understanding of the most recent economic theories of ...
The increasing availability of individual data from surveys has led not only to a significant growth in the number of academic jobs of an empirical nature using this type of information, but also to a greater number of studies commissioned by ...
Encontrar los diferentes desequilibrios y sus posibles causas, teniendo en cuenta todos los sistemas del ser humano desde la MTC .Identificar las diferentes vías neurológicas para las que se ha llegado al desequilibrio y cambiarlas por unas nuevas ...
Con el grado en Estadística (acreditado con excelencia por AQU Catalunya), coordinado por la Universitat de Barcelona (UB) y con la participación de la UPC, cursarás materias vinculadas a la estadística, la probabilidad, la investigación operativa, ...
El bachelor 's degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis (grado en Tecnologías Industriales y Análisis Económico) combina los ámbitos temáticos de la ingeniería industrial con los fundamentos de la economía para aportar conocimientos ...
Objetivos: El alumno podrá aprender la Gestión integrada de Sage 50cloud: • Gestión: Compras, Ventas, Almacén• Contabilidad y Fiscalidad• Modelos fiscales• Tesorería: Previsiones de cobro y pago• Contabilidad analítica• Herramientas de us...
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