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Curso subvencionado para desempleados de Developing the Skills of Training and Development Specialists

London Training for Excellence
London Training for Excellence

Curso subvencionado Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Precio: 4.153,97 €
Duración: 5 días

Resumen del curso subvencionado

Training and Development Specialists aim to maximize business performance by identifying and facilitating training needs in a company. Their duties are developing training programs compiling and presenting materials giving feedback to course participants monitoring outcomes and evaluating the learning experience.On this course we will give you the skills to develop your self and the company.

Objetivos: By the end of the program participants will be able to: Be familiar with the training basics. Plan the training process. Implement on-the-job training methods. Assess the results of training. Practice training needs analysis techniques to nominate and train the right staff. Apply on-the job training techniques. Improve the delivery of training to staff. Develop interactive communicative and motivational training programs. Be able to select the best training method and technique effectively. Be familiar with the characteristics of the effective training plan and how to apply them. Recognize how to review modify and up-date training information. Recognize the factors influencing the training program design. Specify how Training & Development can contribute to the success of the organization.

A quién va dirigido: Everybody associated with training:Trainers.Designers.Training administrators.Supervisors.

Temario completo de este curso

Day 1

Training in context the four segments of training needs analysis:
  • Program introduction seminar outline and your objectives. What does training do? Group exercise and mini presentations.
  • The traditional training cycle what’s changed?
  • Understanding the new TNA four dimension models.
  • Linking TNA to one training process.

Day 2

Organization and designing training new trends:
  • Challenges facing training organization issues exercise.
  • Training design
  • what’s needed exercise.
  • Do you want competent trained people or high performers?
  • Three critical documents the specification the trainers manual the trainees manual.
  • Creating visual aids new ideas addressing the needs of the learner WIIFM.

Day 3

Running training courses:
  • Co-coordinators role.
  • Trainer’s preparation
  • what’s needed?
  • Role and place of tests in training.
  • Understanding where validation fits.
  • Dealing with problem learners.

Day 4

Back at work implementation:
  • Measuring the results of training
  • Knowledge transfer skill competence or performance.
  • How to measure the effectiveness of training interventions case studies. Collating and presenting the customer with results.
  • Completing the cycle old or new method?
  • Coaching and mentoring its role and effectiveness.

Day 5

Understanding training performance figures and costs:
  • Types of data required to be produced.
  • How to get to grips with simple unit cost.
  • Outline budgets.
  • Celebrating training success.
ver temario completo

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