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  •  Instituto Europeo de Asesoría Fiscal - INEAF Instituto Europeo de Asesoría Fiscal - INEAF
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    Objetivos: -Entender el marco conceptual de la RSC y su situación actual a nivel nacional e internacional.- Comprender las políticas y estrategias principales que las empresas tienen a su disposición para incorporar la RSC a su gestión.- Conocer las he...

Curso subvencionado para desempleados de Corporate Governance and Business Management

London Training for Excellence
London Training for Excellence

Curso subvencionado Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Precio: 4.153,97 €
Duración: 5 días

Resumen del curso subvencionado

This Corporate Governance training course helps delegates to plan formulate and implement modern international corporate governance principles. The topics covered by this programme are blended with case studies drawn from recent international precedents. Workshop projects that simulate real-life experiences will help to reinforce key principles of corporate governance.This course starts by presenting the new role of board committees and directors’ responsibilities and powers and continues with best practice in implementation of governance in day-to-day activities. Costs and benefits of best practice governance are put into perspective to open the discussion about stakeholder relationship management. The course will also discuss the challenges of implementing best practice corporate governance in emerging markets and will include the specific requirements of banks and financial institutions.


A quién va dirigido: This Corporate Governance training course is addressed to finance professionals such as:• Directors & Board Members• Audit Committee members• Company secretaries and governance professionals• Corporate counsel• Senior company management• Investors and fund managers• Analysts• Regulators• Securities exchange officials• Lawyers & legislators

Temario completo de este curso

The training agenda of this Corporate Governance course provides an intensive exploration of the key principles of financial management and the related practices of corporate governance.

Day 1 Introduction codes of practice implementation costs and benefits Some basic principles; the level playing field
  • Corporate governance the business case Good corporate governance and emerging markets Industry specifics: banks; government companies Legal and regulatory frameworks for governance Ethics corporate social responsibility
  • Ethics and culture: the board’s responsibility

Day 2 The pressure for corporate behaviour change
  • The Legal Background of CSR
  • Company directors’ obligations and CSR
  • Voluntary measures Is CSR "Just Public Relations"?
  • CSR and corporate governance links

Day 3 Boards directors and board committees
  • The Board key principles and practicalities
  • The Board’s composition and processes
  • Duties of a Director
  • Promoting the success of the company
  • Role of the chairman
  • Executive and Non-executive directors
  • Making a difference using non-executive directors

Day 4 Personalities on the board
  • A study in contrasts: BP’s “where was the chairman?” vs. Singapore Airlines Governance and risk responsibilities of directors and management
  • The board and executive management
  • The practicalities of the correct relationship
  • The ineffective board
  • Examples of corporate failure: Maxwell Polly Peck Enron Worldcom Analysis of the banking crisis as a failure of governance Sarbanes-Oxley and other regulatory responses to corporate governance failure Lessons learned from corporate failures

Day 5 Governance in controlled companies
  • The board and strategy
  • Shareholders stakeholders and the board Case study: Prudential and AIA time for a review of strategy and engagement with shareholders.
  • Improving corporate governance in your company
  • The Comply or Explain rule How to protect the shareholder?
  • Communicating with the shareholder
  • A Legal framework for corporate governance
ver temario completo

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