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    PRECIO: A consultar

    Requisitos: Conocimientos previos del idioma

Curso subvencionado para trabajadores de Level test B2

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Curso subvencionado Online

Precio: 30 €

Resumen del curso subvencionado

The interactive vocabulary exercises in this section look at the extended family, some common phrasal verbs, writing antonyms and selecting the odd word out.

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The following sections of the test take an over-all look at the following tenses: Present continuous for future reference, Future perfect continuous, Used to vs. would, Modal verbs of deduction in the past and Relative clauses through comprehension of a short newspaper story, a work email and a restaurant review. There are a variety of exercises such as: True or False, sentence completion, drag and drop and sentence transformation. You will also be tested on the correct use of: Until, after, as soon as, while, before, during, Say and Tell, the order of adjectives and your ability to express written dates. We continue to look at correct pronunciation through interactive exercises on homophones and question tags as well as overall pronunciation skills.

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