Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 265 €

    Requisitos: Este programa formativo no tiene requisitos previos. A quién va dirigido: A todo tipo de personas, con conocimientos de inglés o que que deseen acercarse por primera vez a este idioma, con independencia de la edad.

Curso subvencionado para trabajadores de Level test B1

Training & Quality
Training & Quality

Curso subvencionado Online

Precio: 30 €

Resumen del curso subvencionado

The test for B1 expands on the themes in previous levels and in addition focuses on the themes of: body and health, the weather and travel through an interactive exercise to place words in the correct category.

Temario completo de este curso

You will also provide words according to set defini-tions. In the reading section you will find texts that deal with assembly instructions, understanding a press release, a formal letter and choosing appropriate endings.

The interactive listening exercises look at a variety of tenses which are required at this level – for example the Present Perfect Simple when talking about recent past and understan-ding complaints. You will hear a radio advertisement to practice numbers and also a show describing a house and the character of the person who lives there. The grammar and writing sections use a variety of exercises such as sentence completion, drag and drop and sentence transformation in order to test the use of: the passive voice, -ed and –ing adjectives, the Second Conditional , expressing permission and prohibition, the co-rrect use of Relative pronouns and extended use of comparatives and superlatives.

This is the first level where we see a pronunciation section. You will be tested on regular Simple past endings as well as rhyming words.

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