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  •  Euroinnova Business School Euroinnova Business School
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    Objetivos: Entre los objetivos de nuestro Especialista en Inglés para Profesionales Sanitarios destacan la formacion en Inglés que te permitiran obtener tu titulación en Especialista en Inglés para Profesionales Sanitarios. Requisitos: Efectuar la mat...

Curso subvencionado para trabajadores de English no limits: upper- intermediate

Ruano Formación, S.L.
Ruano Formación, S.L.

Curso subvencionado Online

Precio: 408 €

Resumen del curso subvencionado

For those people who have a middle level of English and who wish
acquire more knowledge, above all of oral English.Duración: 68 horas

Información adicional

Todo tipo de usuarios con nivel medio de ingles.

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Temario completo de este curso

English Upper-Intermediate Block 10

Starting out the theatre group I Part 1
Starting out the theatre group I Part 2
Starting out the theatre group I Part 3
Starting out the theatre group II Part 1
Starting out the theatre group II Part 2
Starting out the theatre group II Part 3
Starting out the theatre group III Part 1
Starting out the theatre group III Part 2
Starting out the theatre group III Part 3
Rehearsing on a hired hall Part 1
Rehearsing on a hired hall Part 2
Rehearsing on a hired hall Part 3
An invitation to the local press Part 1
An invitation to the local press Part 2
An invitation to the local press Part 3
The first performance Part 1
The first performance Part 2
The first performance Part 3

English Upper-Intermediate Block 11

Shopping at the supermarket Part 1
Shopping at the supermarket Part 2
Shopping at the supermarket Part 3
Going on a tour Part 1
Going on a tour Part 2
Going on a tour Part 3
Getting the contract Part 1
Getting the contract Part 2
Getting the contract Part 3
Some troubles with the tour Part 1
Some troubles with the tour Part 2
Some troubles with the tour Part 3
Alec and Julia say goodbye Part 1
Alec and Julia say goodbye Part 2
Alec and Julia say goodbye Part 3
On the way to Ireland Part 1
On the way to Ireland Part 2
On the way to Ireland Part 3

English Upper-Intermediate Block 12

In an irish pub Part 1
In an irish pub Part 2
In an irish pub Part 3
Welsh culture Part 1
Welsh culture Part 2
Welsh culture Part 3
Hogmanay in Scotland Part 1
Hogmanay in Scotland Part 2
Hogmanay in Scotland Part 3
Doing some sightseeing in London Part 1
Doing some sightseeing in London Part 2
Doing some sightseeing in London Part 3
Remembering the tour Part 1
Remembering the tour Part 2
Remembering the tour Part 3
Making plans for the future Part 1
Making plans for the future Part 2
Making plans for the future Part 3

ver temario completo

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