Curso relacionado

Curso subvencionado para trabajadores de Englis no limits: advanced

Ruano Formación, S.L.
Ruano Formación, S.L.

Curso subvencionado Online

Precio: 438 €

Resumen del curso subvencionado

A high level of English which let you to manage yourself without any
problem with any people of English spoken language and in situations
which require a very formal an totally fluent English.

Información adicional

Todo tipo de usuarios con un nivel de medio a alto de ingles.

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Temario completo de este curso

English for adults. (Level V)

Dictionary use
Discusion and debate
Peace pilgrim
Women adventures
Formal letters
Colds & flu
Job Hunting 1
Job Hunting 2
Dolphin therapy
Animal rights
Three men in a boat
The Brontë sisters
Public speaking
Colloquial english
Feng Shui
The moon´s influence
A guide to the Sheychelles
An international language
Alternative schools
Happy families
The food of the gods
The first Americans
Diversity... is the spice of life
What´s on the box?
Tarzan of the apes
Travelling in space
Natural disasters
Sleep and dreams
You´re as old as you feel
Advertising 1
Advertising 2
Learning to write
Stories form over the world
Great minds
Twentieth century breakthrougs
Choosing your pet
Magical and mythical beast
Here is the news...
Social trends
In the beginning...
The end of the World
Travel broadens the mind

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