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    PRECIO: 1.500 € 250 €

    El participante que complete con éxito el programa obtendrá TRIPLE TITULACIÓN Expedida por El Centro UTEC Business School, Centro Tecnológico Virgen de Guadalupe y la Fundación Mercy International

Curso de Supervision & Leadership 2 Week Course - Accredited by the Institute of Hospitality

Reception Academy
Reception Academy

Curso Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Precio: 669,01 € 602,00 €
Descuento: Take advantage of our Advanced Purchase Rate and benefit fr
Duración: 2 semanas

Resumen del curso

Are you working in the hospitality industry? Looking to progress your career? Gain all the management skills and knowledge required to become a fully recognised and confident hotel supervisor. Undertake this course provided by Reception Academy and published in and go forward in your career. The programme of this course has been designed in partnership with some of the leading hotel branches in the UK and abroad in order to ensure candidates learn the required skills to promote from a junior position to a shift leader or hotel supervisor position. The topics covered include teambuinding and handling with difficult team members, professional networking and delegation skills. Candidates will also learn how to prepare and implementate both supervisor and team meetings giving professional feedback, among others. The course lasts 10 weeks with one session (4 hours) per week, enabling the training whilst earning a living. Trainers are experienced hotel staff members and the programme has been especially designed to take the next step in your career. Successful candidates will gain a certificate from Reception Academy. Do not hesitate to ask for more information through Emagister's website. An assessor will get in touch with you.

Objetivos: Advance your career from as little as £37.46 a month. Easy Repayment Plan available for this course. Get in touch with us if you are interested in this option and wish to find out more. Reception Academy has worked in conjunction with international hotels to ensure our training instils the knowledge and capability to lead a successful team. Thus giving our students an advantage over other applicants when taking the next step in their career.

Requisitos: Preferably six (6) months minimum work experience as an employee in the Hospitality Industry, conversational level of English and passion for the Hospitality Industry. Those applicants who do not have a conversational level of English are advised to complete our Hospitality English Language course.

A quién va dirigido: This Supervision & Leadership Course is available to applicants with (preferably) six (6) months minimum work experience as an employee in the Hospitality Industry. For those applicants that qualify, this is a superb opportunity to obtain training and to progress their career. Take action and apply for our Supervisor Course.

Temario completo de este curso

Topics Covered:

  • Rota writing including holiday planning & request book handling
  • Basic Departmental Trainer Skills
  • DDA, manual handling, panic & disabled alarm handling
  • Handling difficult team members
  • In-depth complaint handling for Supervisors
  • Allocations for groups, VIP's & Showroom preparation
  • Supervisor Shift Handover
  • Motivating your team
  • Professional networking
  • Supervisor meetings, preparation and implementation
  • Monthly team meetings, preparation and implementation
  • Presentations Skills for Supervisors including use of Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Book-out handling
  • Checklists for various departments
  • Delegation Skills
  • How to give professional feedback
  • Short medium and long term planning
  • Proactive Team Development
  • Implementation of new ideas
  • Memo writing skills
  • Sickness and lateness procedure
  • Fire Evacuation Procedure
  • SOP writing and interpretation
  • Stock order and stock management
  • Setting and achieving goals and departmental targets
  • Incentives

If you feel you have the experience, passion and desire to move on in your career but your hotel simply won't give you the training, this is your opportunity to change the path to your future.

Please see our website for further details.

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