Objetivos: El objetivo de este curso es que el alumno se forme ampliamente sobre Oracle 11g, aprendiendo a utilizar todas las aplicaciones que presenta este sistema de gestión de bases de datos. Requisitos: No tiene requisitos previos. A quién va dir...
Writing a Basic SQL Statement
• List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
• Execute a basic SELECT statement
• Differentiate between SQL statements and iSQL*Plus commands
Restricting and Sorting Data
• Limit the rows retrieved by a query
• Sort the rows retrieved by a query
Single Row Functions
• Describe various types of functions available in SQL
• Use character, number, and date functions in SELECT statements
• Use conversion functions
Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
• Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table using equality and nonequality joins
• View data that generally does not meet a join condition by using outer joins
• Join a table to itself using a self-join
Aggregating Data Using Group Functions
• Identify the available group functions
• Use group functions
• Group data using the GROUP BY clause
• Include or exclude grouped rows by using the HAVING clause
• Describe the types of problems that subqueries can solve
• Define subqueries
• List the types of subqueries
• Write single-row and multiple-row subqueries
Producing Readable Output with iSQL*Plus
• Produce queries that require a substitution variable
• Produce more readable output
• Create and execute script files
Manipulating Data
• Describe each DML statement
• Insert rows into a table
• Update rows in a table
• Delete rows from a table
• Merge rows in a table
• Control transactions
Creating and Managing Tables
• Describe the main database objects
• Create tables
• Describe the datatypes that can be used when specifying column definition
• Alter table definitions
• Drop, rename and truncate tables
Including Constraints
• Describing Constraints
• Create and maintain constraints
Creating Views
• Create, maintain and use sequences
• Create and maintain indexes
• Create private and public synonyms
Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture
• Explain the Memory Structures
• Describe the Process Structures
• Overview of Storage Structures
Preparing the Database Environment
• Identify the tools for Administering an Oracle Database
• Plan an Oracle Database installation
• Install the Oracle software by using Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
• Creating an Oracle Database
• Create a database by using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
Managing the Oracle Instante
• Setting database initialization parameters
• Describe the stages of database startup and shutdown
• Using alert log and trace files
• Using data dictionary and dynamic performance views
Configuring the Oracle Network Environment
• Configure and Manage the Oracle Network
• Using the Oracle Shared Server architecture
Managing Database Storage Structures
• Overview of tablespace and datafiles
• Create and manage tablespaces
• Space management in tablespaces
Administering User Security
• Create and manage database user accounts
• Grant and revoke privileges
• Create and manage roles
• Create and manage profiles
Managing Data and Concurrency
• Monitor and resolve locking conflicts
Managing Undo Data
• Overview of Undo
• Transactions and undo data
• Managing undo
Implementing Oracle Database Security
• Database Security and Principle of Least Privilege
• Work with Standard Database Auditing
Database Maintenance
• Use and manage optimizer statistics
• Use and manage Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
• Use advisory framework
• Manage Alerts and Thresholds
Performance Management
• Use Automatic Memory Management
• Use Memory Advisors
• Troubleshoot invalid and unusable objects
Intelligent Infrastructure Enhancements
• Use the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench
• Managing Patches
Backup and Recovery Concepts
• Identify the types of failure that can occur in an Oracle database
• Describe ways to tune instance recovery
• Identify the importance of checkpoints, redo log files, and archived log files
• Overview of flash recovery area
• Configure ARCHIVELOG mode
Performing Database Backups
• Create consistent database backups
• Back up your database without shutting it down
• Create incremental backups
• Automate database backups
• Manage backups, view backup reports and monitor the flash recovery area
Performing Database Recovery
• Overview of Data Recovery Advisor
• Use Data Recovery Advisor to Perform recovery (Control file, Redo log file and Data file)
Moving Data
• Describe and use methods to move data (Directory objects, SQL*Loader, External Tables)
• Explain the general architecture of Oracle Data Pump
• Use Data Pump Export and Import to move data between Oracle databases
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Curso onlie, impartido por Delena Formación, con una carga lectiva de 250 horas, contando con el apoyo de un tutor vía telefónica o e-mail durante todo el proceso de formación. Objetivos: El ...
Objetivos: En el Curso Certificado de Administración en Oracle 11g, el alumno dominará la tecnología de la Base de Datos Oracle 11g y los conceptos de base de datos relacional y el potente lenguaje ...
o Obtener conocimientos sobre la arquitectura de la base de datos, los componentes que la forman y la manera en que interactúan entre ellos, así como sobre todos los pasos necesarios para instalar, ...
Lectiva.com añade a su variada oferta el Máster en Certificación Oracle 11g-Java Online Combinado . Una acción formativa diseñada e impartida por el Grupo Atrium, que podrás seguir en modalidad de ...
Lectiva.com añade a su variada oferta el curso de Experto BBDD Oracle 11g con proyecto. Un curso diseñado e impartido por Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.que podrás seguir en modalidad ...
Objetivos: En el Curso Certificado de Administración en Oracle 11g, el alumno dominará la tecnología de la Base de Datos Oracle 11g y los conceptos de base de datos relacional y el potente lenguaje ...
" Tema 1. Introducción 1.1 Objetivos de la obra 1.2 Presentación de Oracle 11g 1.3 Convenciones de nomenclatura Tema 2. Las bases de la arquitectura Oracle 2.1 Presentación ...
Objetivos: El objetivo es formar a los alumnos ampliamente en torno a Oracle, el software de gestión de bases de datos relacionales más extendido en la actualidad. A quién va dirigido: El curso se ...
Requisitos: Administradores de sistemas, personas con conocimientos de Bases de Datos, SQL…Todas aquellas personas que necesiten estudiar el servidor de bases de datosempresarial Oracle 10g, ...
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