Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 265 €

    Requisitos: Este programa formativo no tiene requisitos previos. A quién va dirigido: A todo tipo de personas, con conocimientos de inglés o que que deseen acercarse por primera vez a este idioma, con independencia de la edad.

Curso subvencionado para trabajadores de Inglés Publishing Intermedio B1

Instituto Nacional de Formación Empresarial
Instituto Nacional de Formación Empresarial

Curso subvencionado Distancia

Precio: Gratuito para trabajadores
Duración: 90 horas

Resumen del curso subvencionado

Distinguir y usar correctamente los tiempos verbales de presente, pasado y futuro. Conocer y utilizar el adjetivo en grado comparativo y superlativo. Reconocer, usar y colocar correctamente los adverbios de frecuencia.

Temario completo de este curso


Usar correctamente el artículo definido e indefinido. Reconocer un verbo modal y conocer sus usos y matices. Posicionar correctamente “too” y “enough” respecto a la palabra que acompañan. Reconocer y utilizar correctamente un verbo frasal.
Usar el estilo indirecto con oraciones afirmativas. Reconocer nombres contables e incontables y utilizar los cuantificadores adecuados. Conocer y usar los diferentes tipos de oraciones condicionales. Conjugar verbos regulares e irregulares. Posicionar correctamente los adjetivos. Conocer y utilizar diferentes tipos de conectores y cuantificadores. Usar correctamente la pregunta coletilla. Aplicar la voz pasiva del verbo.


UNIT 1: Heroes and Villains
Topics: people (character and appearance)
Vocabulary: character adjectives; appearance; personal qualities. Antonyms; adjectives with prepositions
Reading: Characters Larger than Life (multiple choice). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (m/c cloze).
Literature corner: Scandal in Bohemia by Conan Doyle (T/F)
Grammar: present simple/continuous; stative verbs; adverbs of frequency; question words. Phrasal verbs:
GET Listening: Multiple choice; multiple matching (missing sentences)
Speaking: describing fictional characters; making choices; socialising; describing people. Intonation:
expressing surprise and concern
Writing: a letter giving advice. Portfolio: description of a hero/villain; classified ad; e-mail to a friend
UNIT 2: Lifestyles
Topics: jobs and places; lifestyles; the city and the country
Vocabulary: city life/country life; jobs and job qualities; describing places; parts of a town; commuting.
Antonyms; adjectives with prepositions; adj-n phrases
Reading: A City Slicker or a Country Lover? (T/F). Signs (multiple choice) Culture clip: celebration:
dream town USA (m/c cloze)
Grammar: comparatives and superlatives; -ing/infinitive forms; specific/general preferences. Phrasal
verbs: PUT
Listening: listening for detailed meaning; multiple matching (missing sentences)
Speaking: introducing oneself; expressing likes/dislikes; asking for/giving directions; talking about jobs;
expressing preferences; (role-play) job interview; des cribbing pictures. Intonation: stressed syllables
Writing: a letter of application. Portfolio: article about where you live; description of neighbourhood;
questions for a quiz.
UNIT 3: Earth Calling
Topics: the environment; endangered species
Vocabulary: environmental problems and solutions; endangered animals and protected species
Reading: The Earth in our hands (T/F). No ordinary zoo (m/c cloze). RRS Ernest Shackleton Captain’s
Log (multiple choice)
Grammar: present perfect simple/continuous; clauses of purpose. Phrasal verbs: RUN
Listening: completing missing information; multiple choice
Speaking: improving one’s town/city; a short talk from notes; describing pictures; reacting to news; acting
out a dialogue; (role-play) at Customs
Writing: notes. Portfolio: poster about the environment; article about a zoo; letter to a friend
UNIT 4: Traveller’s Tale
Topics: holidays; climate/weather; transport
Vocabulary: types of holidays, sites and resorts; climate and weather; holiday equipment; means of
transport. Prepositional phrases
Reading: Looking for the ideal getaway? (multiple matching-short texts). Literature Corner: Gulliver’s
Travels by Jonathan Swift (multiple matching-missing sentences)
Grammar: present/past participles; past simple/continuous; linkers; the definite/indefinite article; used
to/would. Phrasal verbs: COME
Listening: multiple matching; listening for specific information; completing missing information
Speaking: narrating experiences; expressing feelings; checking in; complaining/apologising; giving travel
information; expressing disapproval; describing pictures. Intonation: expressing annoyance
Writing: a story. Portfolio: holiday advertisement; weather forecast; factfile about your country
UNIT 5: On Offer
Topics: shops and shopping; clothes/accessories
Vocabulary: types of shops and shopping; products; clothes; describing objects; gifts; home. Prepositional
phrases; antonyms.
Reading: Checking out second-hand city (multiple choice). Signs and notices (multiple choice). Culture
clip: Styles of Homes (multiple matching)
Grammar: modal verbs; making assumptions/requests; too/enough; order of adjectives. Phrasal verbs:
LOOK Listening: listening for specific information; listening for gist; multiple choice; multiple matching
Speaking: asking about prices; calming down; describing objects; offering/accepting gifts; asking
for/buying things; (role-play) salesperson/customer. Intonation: losing patience.
Writing: a report assessing good and bad points. Portfolio: description of the best place to shop; page for a
clothes catalogue; poster of school/work rules
UNIT 6: Happy Days!
Topics: celebrations; festivals and events
Vocabulary: traditional celebrations and customs; festive activities; feelings; greetings cards. Verbs with
Reading: A Traditional Irish Wedding (T/F). Culture Clip: Bizarre Annual Events in the UK (multiple
Grammar: future forms; future continuous; question tags. Phrasal Verbs: BREAK
Listening: listening for gist; listening for specific information; intonation
Speaking: a short talk from notes; describing celebrations and customs; making arrangements; inviting;
congratulating and thanking. Intonation in question tags
Writing: postcard. Portfolio: article about a traditional wedding; greetings cards; e-mail to a friend
UNIT 7: Eating out!
Topics: places to eat; food and drinks
Vocabulary: restaurant-related words; the supermarket; recipes and cooking methods; tastes; cutlery,
crockery and appliances; quantities; menus. Verbs with prepositions
Reading: A Taste of Toronto (multiple matching-short texts). Literature Corner: Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory by Roald Dahl (comprehension questions)
Grammar: countables/uncontables; quantifiers; indefinite pronouns; past perfect simple/continuous.
Phrasal verbs: GIVE
Listening: multiple choice; listening for specific information; multiple matching; to take notes
Speaking: discussing food preferences/tastes; (role-play) eating out/ordering a meal; comparing table
manners; describing pictures. Intonation: stressed syllables
Writing: a story. Portfolio: description of an unusual restaurant; recipe for a local dish; shopping list
UNIT 8: Fit for Life
Topics: sports; accidents and injuries
Vocabulary: types of sport; sport injuries; places and equipment; personal qualities. Adjectives with
Reading: The Last Great Race (T/F). Messages (multiple choice). Signs (multiple matching). Literature
Corner: The Olympic Anthem (reading for specific information)
Grammar: the passive; with/by; conditionals: type 0, 1; if/unless; linkers (result, addition, contrast, etc).
Phrasal verbs: BRING
Listening: listening for detailed meaning; multiple choice; multiple matching; listening for specific sounds
Speaking: discussing sports; negotiating; describing pictures; expressing opinions; asking about/describing
health; sympathising-giving advice; acting out dialogues. Intonation: hesitating
Writing: a pros and cons essay. Portfolio: postcard to a friend; short communicative message; sports quiz
UNIT 9: Going out!
Topics: Entertainment; the arts; charity
Vocabulary: types of entertainment; cinema and films; reviews; books and newspapers; TV
jobs/programmes; theatre; charity. Prepositional phrases; regrets
Reading: Pick of the Week (multiple matching-short texts). Graffiti-Is it an art? (open cloze). Culture
Corner: Comic Relief (completing a summary)
Grammar: conditionals type 2, 3; wishes; relative clauses; so/neither. Phrasal verbs: TURN
Listening: listening for detailed meaning; multiple matching; completing missing information
Speaking: discussing entertainment; suggesting/(dis)agreeing; talking about a book/TV programmes;
(role-play) booking tickets; expressing preferences; describing paintings; acting out dialogues
Writing: an informal letter reviewing a film. Portfolio: review for a school event; TV guide; interview with
a graffiti artist
UNIT 10: Fast Forward
Topics: technology; education
Vocabulary: teenagers and technology; gadgets; education and technology; means of communication; text
messages; processes; science; faults. Prepositional phrases; compound noun; antonyms
Reading: All About Britain’s Teenagers (multiple choice). Culture Corner: The Education System of the
UK and the USA (completing missing information in tables)
Grammar: clauses of concession; all/most/some/none; reported speech; indirect questions; causative form.
Phrasal. verbs: TAKE
Listening: multiple matching; to fill in gaps; listening for detailed meaning
Speaking: discussing technology; short talk from notes; conducting a survey; talking about pros and cons;
describing pictures; (role-play) requesting action/giving an account of an event. Intonation in questions
Writing: a letter of complaint. Portfolio: article about teenagers in your country; text message to a friend;
questions for a science quiz

Contenido del material:
Libro del Alumno: UPSTREAM B1 (Teoría + Ejercicios)
Libro de Gramática: GRAMMAR WAY 2 (Teoría + Ejercicios) *En Español
Solucionario de Libro de Gramática: KEY GRAMMAR WAY 2
CD con Audiciones + Solucionario (en PDF) de UPSTREAM B1

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