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Curso subvencionado para trabajadores de English Level C1 - Block 2

KUMA Centro de Estudios
KUMA Centro de Estudios

Curso subvencionado Distancia


Resumen del curso subvencionado

In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and continue the crossover from C1 to a C2. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, motivating the learner to become conversant on subjects such as cine

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Level C1 - Block 2
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and continue the crossover from C1 to a C2. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, motivating the learner to become conversant on subjects such as cinema, expressing ability, obligation and prohibition as well as presenting and interpreting statistics. In terms of grammatical structures there will be continued revision and extension of the structures in all tenses. Productive and receptive skills are stretched with more phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions, the different verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives, expressing future possibility, and giving opinions. As with the other blocks on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sounds, vowel sounds, elision, homophones as well as general vocabulary and sentence level practice. In terms of conversation, the learner can now approach most situations with little or no preparation. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered. The block is comprised of a series of interactive exercises such as word-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

Unit 1 - Lesson 1 - Shopping at the supermarket
Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: the press, necklace, audience - Food: minced meat, courgette, aubergine, pear, strawberries - Feelings: courage respect, affinity.

Unit 1 - Lesson 2 - Shopping at the supermarket
Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - Expressing opinions, likes and preferences - Articles: a, an, the, zero - Describing graphs and statistics - Abstract nouns: sincerity, communication, affinity, motivation, trust etc - Quantifiers: a little, little, a few, few, quite a bit of, quite a lot of, loads. Vocabulary - Food and shopping - Percentages and fractions - Useful phrases: How did it go?, to make a change, to run for (plays), it's about, as far as I know etc. Activities: Student-led listening: articles - Listen and repeat: statistics - write the fractions - fill the gaps: articles - Reading comprehension: find abstract nouns - Reading comprehension: order the different factors - Student-led listening - Gap fill: quantifiers - Fill the gaps: nouns - Listening comprehension: yes or no.

Unit 1 - Lesson 3 - Shopping at the supermarket
Aims: To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: Expressing opinions, likes and preferences - Articles: a, an, the, zero - Describing graphs and statistics - Abstract nouns: sincerity, communication, affinity, motivation, trust etc - Quantifiers: a little, little, a few, few, quite a bit of, quite a lot of, loads Vocabulary - Food - Numbers: times, fractions, percentages, dates. Activities - Pronunciation: listen and choose the correct sound - Listening comprehension: write the figures - Sentence transformation: nouns - Correct the sentences: articles -Real life dialogue: dub the film - Choosing synonymous sentences

Unit 1 - Lesson 4 - Shopping at the supermarket - Additional exercises
Additional exercises.

Unit 2 - Lesson 5 - Going on a tour
Aims: To learn and assimilate the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: International warning signs: forbidden, permitted - General: porch, barbeque, in the open air, claim, hand in, settle in, renew, choice, position, harmony - Probability: likely, unlikely, sure.

Unit 2 - Lesson 6 - Going on a tour
Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: Expressing permission and prohibition - Talking about probability: likely, unlikely, sure - Expressing ability: can, could, to be able to, to manage to, may/might - Must, may and might for suppositions and logical deductions about present and past - Review of modals for permission and obligation: must, mustn't, needn't, have to, don't have to Vocabulary - Useful expressions: to know in advance, to be one's own boss, short term contract, to keep in suspense, to be worth someone's while, etc - Synonyms and antonyms Activities: Student-led listening - Gap fill: complete the sentence with an appropriate word - Sentence transformation: probability - Listen and repeat - Reading comprehension: finding synonyms and antonyms - Word/Picture association - Listening: Choose appropriate answers - Listening: multiple choice.

Unit 2 - Lesson 7 - Going on a tour
Aims: To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: Expressing permission and prohibition - Talking about probability: likely, unlikely, sure - Expressing ability: can, could, to be able to, to manage to, may/might - Must, may and might for suppositions and logical deductions about present and past - Review of modals for permission and obligation: must, mustn't, needn't, have to, don't have to Vocabulary - Useful expressions: to know in advance, to be one's own boss, short term contract, to keep in suspense, to be worth someone's while, etc - Synonyms and antonyms. Activities: Pronunciation: long and short vowel sounds - Listen and repeat - Gap fill: complete the sentences with an appropriate modal verb - Multiple choice: choose the most appropriate tense -Error detection and correction - Association of picture with camp rules - Real life dialogue: dub the film - Choosing synonymous sentences.

Unit 2 - Lesson 8 - Going on a tour - Additional exercises
Additional exercises.

Unit 3 - Lesson 9 - Getting the contract
Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: nativity play, advertisement, signature, recipient, cab, queries, agony aunt, presently, actually, afterwards, ghost - American English: highway, elevator, drug store.

Unit 3 - Lesson 10 - Getting the contract
Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: Asking for and giving advice - Making offers: Would you like me to..? Can I..? Shall I?? I'll? - Writing a letter - Responding to offers. Vocabulary: nativity play, advertisement, signature etc. - Useful phrases: to have a night in, to get things in proportion, to go through a phase, to feel sorry for one's self, to make a note of, at leisure - Agony aunts. Advice columns Activities: Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures - Listening and reading: choose the appropriate response -Gap fill: make offers by filling the gaps - Pronunciation: listen and repeat - Reading and listening comprehension: answer the questions - Writing: supply an appropriate question - Listening and writing: respond to the offers - Listening practice: true or false.

Unit 3 - Lesson 11 - Getting the contract
Aims: To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: Asking for and giving advice - Making offers: Would you like me to..? Can I..? Shall I?? I'll? - Responding to offers - Detecting the appropriate tone and language: formal vs. informal. Vocabulary: British vs. American English - Review of useful expressions Activities: - Pronunciation: diphthongs - Listening comprehension: detecting tone - Substitution: provide the American synonyms - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures - Gap fill: compete the sentences - Real life dialogue: dub the film - Choosing synonymous sentences.

Unit 3 - Lesson 12 - Getting the contract - Additional exercises
Additional exercises.

Unit 4 - Lesson 13 - Some troubles with the Tour
Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: General: front cover, photo session, faith, mankind, miniature, devoted, playful, sexist, tend - Animals: pedigree, wild, moggy - Films: the big screen, role.

Unit 4 - Lesson 14 - Some troubles with the Tour
Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: Verbs with gerund and infinitive e.g.: avoid seeing / tend to be - Who, where, what, when, how + infinitive - Verbs with dual meanings: infinitives vs. gerunds: she stopped to smoke / stopped smoking; remember to buy / remember buying etc. Vocabulary: Useful expressions: to my mind, in her element, in the public eye, it's no use, there's no point Activities: Student-led listening - Gap fill: make synonymous sentences - Complete the gaps with verbs in the correct tenses - Reading and listening: answer the questions - Finding synonyms - Gap-fill - Listen and repeat - Listen and answer.

Unit 4 - Lesson 15 - Some troubles with the Tour
Aims: To revise and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Verbs with gerund and infinitive e.g.: avoid seeing / tend to be - who, where, what, when, how + infinitive - Verbs with dual meanings: infinitives vs. gerunds: she stopped to smoke / stopped smoking; remember to buy / remember buying etc. Vocabulary - Useful expressions: to my mind, in her element, in the public eye, it's no use, there's no point. Activities: Pronunciation: diphthongs - Error detection and correction - Gap-fill: choose the correct word / write the correct tense - Real life dialogue: dub the film - Choosing synonymous sentences.

Unit 4 - Lesson 16 - Some troubles with the Tour - Additional exercises
Additional exercises.

Unit 5 - Lesson 17 - Alec and Julia say goodbye
Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary - Household objects/appliances: dishwasher, clothes hangers, sewing machine - Shapes: pyramid, cylinder, cube - Materials: bamboo, velvet, pottery.

Unit 5 - Lesson 18 - Alec and Julia say goodbye
Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: Describing objects: order of adjectives - Expressing purpose: for / to Vocabulary - Useful phrases: take my place, needless to say, dress up etc - Shapes: pyramid, cylinder, cube, oval, square, triangular - Compound nouns: key-ring, shoulder-bag etc. Activities: Writing: everyday objects - Student-led listening -Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures - Gap fill: write the correct shapes - Listening: write the objects according to their definitions - Listening: true or false - Listen and repeat - Listening and reading comprehension: true or false - Writing: make sentences about the images - Spelling: write the missing letters.

Unit 5 - Lesson 19 - Alec and Julia say goodbye
Aims: To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: Describing objects - Expressing purpose: for / to Vocabulary - Useful expressions: take my place, needless to say, dress up etc - Shapes: pyramid, cylinder, cube, oval, square, triangular - Compound nouns: key-ring, shoulder-bag etc. Activities: Pronunciation: triphthongs in sentences - Listen and repeat - Gap fill: complete the descriptions - Listening comprehension: answer yes or no - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures - Real life dialogue: dub the film - Choosing synonymous sentences.

Unit 5 - Lesson 20 - Alec and Julia say goodbye - Additional exercises
Additional exercises.

Unit 6 - Lesson 21 - On the way to Ireland
Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises. Activities - Listening comprehension: gap-fill - Pronunciation: revision of difficult sounds - Real life dialogue: dub the film.

Unit 6 - Lesson 22 - On the way to Ireland
Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises. Activities - Reading and listening comprehension: true or false - Listening: multiple choice - Reading and writing: choose the appropriate ending -Reading comprehension: gap-fill - Writing: complete the sentences.

Unit 6 - Lesson 23 - On the way to Ireland
Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises. Activities - Reading and listening comprehension: true or false - Listening: multiple choice - Reading and writing: choose the appropriate ending -Reading comprehension: gap-fill - Writing: complete the sentences.

Unit 6 - Lesson 24 - On the way to Ireland - Additional exercises
Additional exercises.

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