Curso relacionado
  •  Estudio Sampere Estudio Sampere
    PRECIO: A consultar
    CURSO:Presencial en Madrid

    If you live in Madrid and want to improve your communication skills in multilingual groups, enroll in our extensive courses. We are experts in teching Spanish for more than 60 years. Groups of maximum 10 students and a minimum of 4. DELE exam preparati...

Curso de Extensive Spanish Courses


Curso para empresas Presencial en Madrid (Madrid)

Precio: 151-300 €


This course is perfect for people who are short of time, or anybody having trouble communicating with flatmates/workmates, or even people worried about not being able to explain things properly to the doctor. You have 2 options: 6 or 4 hours weekly.

Objetivos: You will soon find yourself able to speak (in great Spanish) about anything you like and will quickly become a part of Spanish society.

Requisitos: Free level test, just to make sure you’re put into the right group.

A quién va dirigido: Recommended for students and professionals who are too busy studying and working to attend classes every day.

Información adicional

Discounts, only applicable to monthly tariffs:
Au-pairs: 20%.
- Religious congregations: 10%.
- Over-60s: 10%.
- More than one member of the same family: 5%.
- 10% off your second language course or even computing classes
- Students with a disability: 5%.

The fee includes:
- Course book and photocopies.
- Free access to the library and multimedia room.
- Free and unlimited Internet.
- Selected cultural activities.
- Personalized tutorials once a week
- ISIC Card: free for our students. More than 50,000 deals in Spain and in 130 countries.

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Temario completo de este curso

The teachers know and are familiar with all the techniques used to learn Spanish from traditional methods to the latest dynamic tendencies. They know exactly what resources to use for each group and person and how to use them.

Levels of our courses correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) whose aim is to provide a common base for the drawing up of languages programs, curriculum guidance, exams, manuals and materials for European teaching.

Alongside our academic programmes we also offer various extracurricular activities so students can have fun and learn at the same time.
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