Objetivos: The primary objectives are to provide your sales professionals with a range of sales tools and techniques wrapped within the Eskil B2B Sales Canvas that allow them to adopt a confident consultative selling approach. By the end of this two-day training course, the participants will have: Tools to build rapport with others to a deeper level; developed active listening skills to ensure that they have all the information they need; Identified the right questions to progress the sale; Learnt to probe and para-phrase; Identified how to strengthen existing relationships as well as develop new ones; Sold the whole package that they offer and identified what they do differently to their competitors; Learnt to be the Sales Conductor, working with colleagues across the business to develop compelling sales solutions; Improved bid / no-bid
A quién va dirigido: Eskil's Consultative Selling course is ideal for those wishing to improve their sales skills and long term customer relationships when selling B2B. This has been delivered to all levels within a sales team as well as business / management consultants.
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