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    ¿Te interesa enseñar inglés de una manera profesional? Obtén la libertad de trabajar y recorrer el mundo al mismo tiempo enseñando Inglés en Línea o de manera presencial.TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) y TESOL (Teaching English to Spe...

Curso de Sponsored telf course with employment opportunities


Curso Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 400 €
Duración: 120 horas

Resumen del curso

120 hour intensive TEFL course. Participants receive thorough TEFL preparation with more than 30 hours of teaching practice and job opportunities after successful completion. Practical approach and great environment. Teachers guidenca and assistance.

Información adicional

The curriculum is extensive; we cover everything needed to teach effectively including teaching theory, teaching techniques, grammar, practical skills, lesson and material preparation, teaching different ages and testing. Also included are various workshops on job guidance and interview skills.

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Temario completo de este curso

Course design
The Oxbridge TEFL course has been designed with the knowledge and expertise of experienced professionals with extensive teaching practice, teacher training experience and preparation in applied linguistics. The method of teaching on the course reflects the kind of teaching we will encourage you to do with your students in the classroom. You will be exposed to different lecturers, teaching styles and students but you will be guided by a system that uses a modern and unique approach to English teaching. All of the teaching material has been designed by Oxbridge to meet the high standard requirements of modern TEFL courses. The experience that you will gain with the course will allow you to become a confident and efficient teacher, enabling you to teach all over the world.

Core Programme Components
The Programme is designed for a 4-week intensive TEFL course, 120 classroom hours, which includes 30 - 40 hours of teaching practice. The focus is on practical teaching components with observed and guided teaching practice. We will provide you with exposure to all possible levels (beginners to advanced), ages (children, teenagers, adults), group sizes (from one-to-one teaching to groups of 8 students), groups with specific purposes (English for Business or Academic purposes), foreign language experience, job guidance and interview techniques. We will also provide tutor support and consistent feedback of teaching practice and material preparation.

Module 1 - The Fundamentals
- Language teaching, language learning: approaches to teaching English
- Assessment of learning goals and interpreting students needs and reactions
- Classroom management: role of the teacher and the use of classroom space to aid the teaching process: traditional and non-traditional
- Language awareness: the grammar of English and how to approach it.

Module 2 - The Teaching Practice
- Developing the four basic language skills in the students. How to teach speaking, listening, reading and writing. Practical approaches to be used in the classroom
- Planning courses for different purposes and duration. The syllabus as a core element of a course
- The class as a main unit of a course: it's elements and planning. The rhythm of the class
- Presenting new language. Teaching activities and their complexities: analysis, timing, linking. How to teach vocabulary, structures and topic activities

Module 3 - Practical Skills for the TEFL / TESOL teacher
- Creation of learning material. Templates for preparation of lessons and activities
- Preparing vocabulary activities: how to ensure students learn and remember new vocabulary
- Preparing structures activities: how to ensure students learn functional grammar successfully
- Preparing topic activities: how to make students talk
- Preparing activities for specific purposes: how to approach specific needs

Module 4 - Beyond teaching: broadening the English teaching practice
- Managing students errors. Concept checking and error correction
- Testing in the classroom: a practical approach to assessing your students
- Approaching students of different ages and interests. Teaching children. English for specific purposes
- Evaluating course material and course books
- Teacher development and building a career as an English teacher
Teaching practice
- 30 to 40 hours of guided teaching practice with groups including beginners to advanced level students, children and adults.

Course Assessment
All trainees must develop teaching materials as part of their lesson planning practice. The materials must meet the standards set by Oxbridge as they will be supervised by our Product Managers. Further assessment criteria are as follows:
- Language awareness exam - pass mark - 80%
- S1 test (teaching low levels) - pass mark - 80%
- Teaching practice - passed by obtaining good reports from the senior teachers
- Material preparation - passed it by obtaining an approval from the Product Managers.
- Fundamentals and philosophy of English teaching - you pass it by actively participating in the course debates and lectures and by attending at least 80% of the sessions.
In order to obtain the certificate you must have a pass in all the above mentioned sections. Successful trainees receive an official certificate issued by Oxbridge showing completion of the course and overall grade. They will also be issued with a recommendation letter reflecting upon their performance during the course. An updated profile of the candidates will be posted on our website for the attention of possible employers.

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