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Curso de Spanish - for teens for beginners

Eduversion Internacional
Eduversion Internacional

Curso Presencial en San Sebastian (Guipúzcoa)

Precio: 422 €

Resumen del curso

Teen Camp is designed specially for teens of 14-17 years old. The juniors have a great chance to spend a magnificent summer holidays in San Sebastian with the opportunity to learn Spanish and meet new friends from all over the world!

Información adicional

Precios desde 422 EUR por 1 semana.
Centro: (Miramar) Language School (S 0069).

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Temario completo de este curso

Tipo del Curso: Cursos Generales
Clases por semana: 25 cps ( Intensivo )
Tipo de enseñanza: Grupo Standard
Edad: desde 14 Hasta 17
Certificado: Certificates of Attendance and Certificates of Linguistic Competence
Incluido en el precio: Programa de Actividades y Excursiones

ALOJAMIENTO No está incluido
COMIDA No está incluido.


2 weeks +
25 lessons per week
5 lessons per day
Maximum 12 students in classroom
3 afternoon activities per  week
1 full-day excursion per week

San Sebastian is a mixture of the city, culture, history,  sea and mountains and that's why it is an  ideal place for travelling and learning Spanish!
     During the course students are accommodated in host families, which are carefully selected by the Language School stuff. Breakfast and dinner will take place with the family.  Also included packed lunch. This system works well because the student receives the support of a family structure and will be looked after when not participating in school functions. The students will receive a warm welcome and become another member of the household. They must respect the programme schedule and inform the family of any outings they have during the designated free time periods.
     Juniors are supervised by a school monitor who coordinates teachers, host families, organisation of activities, and the overall well being of the students. However, students will have two free afternoons as well as all day Sunday to get to know their host family and become familiar with Spanish traditions and culture.

Daily activities from Monday to Friday:
Breakfast with family from 8:30 to 9:00
Classes and breaks from 9:30 to 13:45
Lunch with monitor from 14 to 15:30
Activities from 15:30 to 19:30 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Dinner and entertainment with the family starting at 20:00
Saturday: Full day excursion from 10:00 to 18:00
Sunday: Free day with the family

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