Spanish for foreigners in-company or at home. We manage training subsidized with companies in association with FUNDAE.TeachersNative spanish teachers. Professionals with experience and specialized in teaching Spanish for foreigners. Our Student D...
The topics of Intensive Spanish courses depends on the Spanish level of the students: 8 Spanish levels.
Level objectives in Spanish Courses for Beginners
Based on a communicative approach of the Spanish language starting from the first day, the objective of this level is to enable the student to have simple conversations in Spanish language on topics such as introductions, to give or ask about personal information, to speak about how he or she feels physically and emotionally, to ask for explanations, to express his or her desires, tastes and preferences, to maintain basic conversations in public places, shops and restaurants, to speak about timetables and to make plans for the future. The student can also make invitations and propose plans.
Fluency is more important than correctness at Spanish Beginners level.
In sum, the student is ready to understand and to make him or herself understood in basic everyday situations both verbally and in writing, even if he or she speaks slowly or makes mistakes.
Level objectives in Spanish Courses for Elementary students
The objective at this level is to enable the student to maintain a conversation with more fluency in public places, to express his or her opinion, to speak about personal daily activities, to comment his or her plans about the future and previous experiences. The Spanish student can give orders and advice, as well as make comparisons.
At this level, fluency continues to have more importance but correctness also has its significance, limiting the mistakes that interfere in his or her communication. The student writes and understands notes and warnings, as well as simple real texts from which he or she is able to extract key information.
By the end of this level, the student is able to maintain conversations on aspects of everyday life, verbally and in writing, with a much more varied and active vocabulary. His or her grammar notions are still quite limited.
Level objectives in Spanish courses for Upper Elementary
The main objective at this level is to enable the student to understand and speak in the past and future tenses. He or she should be able to speak about his or her life, to retell his or her biography, to value experiences or to express desires and basic hypotheses. The student can interpret and give orders and predictions, transmit information or messages to other people. This course prepares the student to understand written texts from real life: announcements, cinema posters, and simple brochures...
Even if fluency is still of greater importance, we will be working on correctness as well as enriching vocabulary. The structures and knowledge that the student has are reaffirmed. At this level, the main point is to increase the student’s confidence and self-assurance while speaking.
Level objectives in Spanish courses for lower Intermediate
This level’s objective is to enable the student to understand ever more complex conversations as well as to increase his or her fluency. The aim is also to limit the mistakes and increase the number of actively used words so that his or her vocabulary is more appropriate in specific situations.
This course concentrates on speaking in past tenses: personal résumé, interviews, biographies, description of people and customs in the past, retelling jokes and stories. The student is also able to speak about the future and make plans. He or she can ask questions, give advice, formulate hypotheses, and express justified personal opinions.
Knowledge of Spanish grammar increases substantially and students start using structures that are more complex.
Level objectives in Spanish courses for Intermediate students
The objective of this course is to enable the student to express hypotheses, opinions, tastes, agreement and disagreement, emotions, doubts, advice and recommendations. The student should be able to speak about the future and make plans. He or she should also be able to express causes and consequences, as well as hypothetical conditions by the use of subjunctive structures.
Lexical knowledge broadens and colloquial expressions are studied for their use in conversation.
The student can read not very complex literature and informative texts. He or she has some problems with articles expressing opinions.
Level objectives in Spanish courses for Upper Intermediate
Reviews of all the verbal tenses of Spanish are made with the aim at reducing the number of mistakes that may result some misunderstanding as to the aspect of the action and the moment of its realisation.
This Spanish course concentrates on the expression of hypotheses as well as different degrees of doubt in the present, past and future tenses. The student can show emotions and desires concerning him or herself or others. He or she is able to express desires, which did not happen in the past. He can indicate the degree of hypotheses as well as formulate reactions and recommendations in a past context.
The student is able to prepare presentations, reports and argumentation, organising the ideas and concepts he or she wants to transmit. He or she can take part in discussions and debates with different speakers.
The student can read literary texts by contemporary authors when they are not very difficult, as well as texts presenting reports, argumentations and information. Even if he or she reads articles expressing opinion, there is still some difficulty reading “between the lines” or interpreting irony or written plays on words.
The students are trained to have a good knowledge of the Spanish culture.
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