Today, with the unstoppable rise of the number of people that use the Internet every day, and the relevance that have gotten media, learning Spanish has become indispensable, and even necessary for any activity in your daily life.
Precios desde 746 EUR por 2 semanas.
(Rambla) Language School (S 007).
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Tipo del Curso: Cursos Generales
Clases por semana: 20 cps ( Estándar )
Tipo de enseñanza: Grupo Standard
Edad: desde 18
Certificado: Certificate of Attendance and Certificate of Linguistic Competence
Incluido en el precio: Material didáctico.
ALOJAMIENTO Apartamentos de Estudiante. double room
COMIDA Sin servicio de comidas.
from 2 weeks
20 lessons per week/4 lessons per day
Lesson duration 45 minutes
Maximum 10 students in classroom.
Levels: basic, intermediate, advanced
Starting dates: throughout the year
Placement test on the first day
Minimum age: 18 years old; 16-17 accepted with parental or guardian authorization.
That way, you can discover Barcelona and its surrounding area, get to know the Spanish culture and traditions, do sports and much more.
Course structure.The four lessons that you will have each day are as follows:
1 lesson - grammar and vocabulary exercises
1 lesson - conversation
2 lessons - reading, understanding texts, listening, writing
The course structure may vary depending on the individual teachers and students. The topics of the classes are drawn from local newspapers and other publications, which match the students' language skills. In this way, the texts and topics can be discussed actively by the group.
Teaching method. The School has developed a very successful teaching method for its language courses: the stressful learning process has been transformed into a spontaneous and creative learning experience. In addition, you are provided with flexible and up to date teaching materials to help you make progress in the shortest possible time. By communicating during the lessons right from the beginning, we believe that you absorb the language more rapidly and retain the knowledge longer. The vocabulary learned is directly put into practice and consolidated through discussions, question sessions and role plays.
The teachers are qualified and highly motivated, and they teach in their mother tongue. After lessons, they are happy to give students language-related advice or answer any questions about local cultural and sporting events.
ver temario completo
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