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    PRECIO: 7.500 €

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Curso de Postgrado Online en Economía de la Salud (en inglés)

UPF - Barcelona School of Management
UPF - Barcelona School of Management

Curso Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 4.850 € (+ IVA)

Resumen del curso

Entirely taught in English, the Online Postgraduate Course in Health Economics at UPF Barcelona School of Management equips you to specialize in the economics and management of health services and pharmaceuticals, and at the same time teaches you how to professionally manage the health service provisions of any administration, organization or health insurance agency, whether public or private.

Objetivos: A quién va dirigido This programme is aimed at professionals in the health sector and the pharmaceutical sector who cannot afford the time to attend an on-site course, or who prefer to work primarily through virtual communication. This International Master's Degree in Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics meets the needs and requirements both of experienced professionals and of recent graduates who wish to increase their knowledge of these areas. The Online Postgraduate Course in Health Economics is addressed to professionals who, wherever in the world they live, wish to follow a distance course with the characteristics we have outlined above. It is conducted entirely online, and at no time it is necessary to attend face-to-face sessions. The international edition of this programme is conducted entirely in English. In particular, the programme is designed to complement the training of professionals with management responsibilities and graduates interested in acquiring the necessary skills to take on such responsibilities in: Hospitals, clinical laboratories and public and private health centres. Public bodies responsible for managing and/or funding pharmaceuticals and health services. Private insurance companies. Pharmaceutical companies and companies related to the distribution of pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceutical and health service management training centres. Consultancy and advisory firms related to the health sector, etc. To date, the Spanish and the International edition of this online training programme has been followed by over 350 participants in several European, African and Latin-American countries.

Temario completo de este curso


To provide specialised training in the economics and management of health services and pharmaceutical products (Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics).

The concept of management in the health sector and the pharmaceutical sector is understood in the broadest sense of the term and includes public sector services, centres and services belonging to health care institutions at any level of care, pharmaceutical service providers, agencies for the evaluation of drugs and medical technologies, together with the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical distributors, insurance companies and consultancy and advisory firms.

The programme is of special relevance for professionals and graduates related to the health sector who are interested in the issues of health economics, pharmacoeconomics, and the design and management of quality programmes.

The programme is aimed especially at these graduates and health sector professionals, and offers an academic training with a high reputation on the market.

Participants are not required to have previous knowledge of economics.

ver temario completo

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