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  •  London Business Training & Consulting London Business Training & Consulting
    PRECIO: 3.113,40 €
    CURSO:Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

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Curso de Operations Strategy - Level 1

London Business Training & Consulting
London Business Training & Consulting

Curso Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Precio: 3.072,84 € (+ IVA)

Resumen del curso

Emagister recently added a new course in Operations Strategy! Thanks to this programme, divided in two levels, you will be able to understand: the meaning of operations strategy and how to judge the performance of operations! Also, you will have a broad approach to assessing operations performance at a societal level that uses the ‘triple bottom line’ to judge an operation’s social, environmental and economic impact. In addition, through this course, you will discover how operations performance can be judged in terms of how it affects an organization’s ability to achieve its overall strategy and how performance levels can be reached by focusing on a limited set of objectives and exploiting the trade-offs between objectives. Some ‘new approaches’ to operations and the extent to which they can be seen as ‘strategic’, as well as how they fit into operations strategy, will be given to you during your Operations Strategy - Level 1 course. Do you want to get to know more about this short course? Contact now!

A quién va dirigido: Chief operations officers and chief executive officers; operations directors and managers; Heads of departments; senior operations executives, officers and staff; those who wish to gain a comprehensive understanding of the interaction between operational resources and market requirements; those who wish to transform their companies’ prospects through the way they manage their operations resources strategically, turning their operations capabilities into a formidable asset; those who wish to use operations strategy as a major source of competitive advantage in for-profit businesses or the route to achieving social welfare in not-for-profit enterprises; those who appreciate operations strategy as central, ubiquitous and vital to any organisation’s sustained success.

Temario completo de este curso

Developing Resources and Processes for Strategic Impact
  • Why is operations excellence fundamental to strategic impact?
  • What is operations strategy and how is it different from operations management?
  • What is the ‘content’ of operations strategy?
  • The operations strategy matrix
  • What is the ‘process’ of operations strategy?
Operations Performance
  • Operations performance can make or break any organisation
  • Judging operations performance at a societal level
  • Judging operations performance at a strategic level
  • Judging operations performance at an operational level
  • The relative importance of performance objectives changes over time
  • Trade-offs – are they inevitable?
  • Targeting and operations focus
Substitutes for Strategy
  • Fads, fashion and the ‘new’ approaches to operations
  • Total quality management (TQM)
  • Business process reengineering (BPR)
  • Six Sigma
  • Some common threads
Capacity Strategy
  • The overall level of operations capacity
  • The number and size of sites
  • Capacity change
  • Location of capacity
Purchasing and Supply Strategy
  • Do or buy? The vertical integration decision
  • Contracting and relationships
  • Which type of arrangement?
  • Supply network dynamics
  • Managing suppliers over time
  • Purchasing and supply chain risk
ver temario completo

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