Curso relacionado
  •  SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos
    PRECIO: A consultar

    Requisitos: Cumplir uno de los siguientes requisitos:- Ser mayor de 18 años, Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller o declarado equivalente, de titulación de Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional, o ser mayor de 25 años con al menos 1 año de...

Curso de Office Management and Executive Secretariat for CEOs and Management

London Training for Excellence
London Training for Excellence

Curso Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Duración: 5 días

Resumen del curso

"This five-day event is designed to increase the skills of Senior Support Personnel across a range of disciplines.  The program identifies and examines the key components of the role and within each element builds up a range of approaches and techniques for operating an efficient office or support team. These elements include interpersonal, communication, organisational and time management competencies. As can be seen from the course outline below, the event is broken down by the day to broadly reflect the key components of the role. However, as you will discover when you attend the event, such skills and techniques will be required in a blended and integrated way as you meet the challenges of your workplace. Throughout the event, you will practice communication, organisational and planning skills on an on going and linked basis as you would within your normal working environment. "

Requisitos: " Office Administrators of Top Management. Office Managers and Executive Secretaries of CEO’s. Supervisors of clerical and administrative staff. Executive or Personal Assistant to Senior Management. Individuals with office management experience. "

Temario completo de este curso

Day 1 - The Role of the Executive Secretary/PA: Job definition and analysis. Identification of personality type. How to project an image of self-confidence and professionalism. Day 2 - Time and Stress Management: Analyse time usage. Work prioritizing and scheduling. Travel arrangements. Diary management. The key steps in the problem-solving and decision-making model. Teams and decision-making. Different strategies that can be used in decision-making. Day 3 - Communications: What is communication? Improving communications within an existing team. Oral and listening skills. Reporting to Management. Negotiation skills and techniques. Comparison of telephone / face to face / written communications their effectiveness and suitability for different situations. Effective Communication. Communication barriers. Use body language effectively. Positive thinking. Listening skills. Dealing with difficult people and difficult situations. Day 4 - Organizing Meeting: What makes good meetings good / bad meetings bad? Obstacles to meeting effectiveness. Key Characteristics of an effective meeting. Meeting rules. Meeting process. Agenda setting. Meeting evaluation. Meeting room. Recording devices Day 5 - The Working Day: Practicing a “typical day” simulated scenario incorporating issues and techniques from the week. Identifying an approach and style that suits you as an individual. Reporting to Management presentation and negotiation techniques Personal Action Plan. Using computer and electronic office management and secretary (work- shop).
ver temario completo

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