Objetivos: Los objetivos de nuestro Curso Superior de Office 2010. Nivel Profesional son muy claros y te ayudarán a formarte en Ofimática general. Requisitos: Efectuar la matrícula. A quién va dirigido: El Curso Profesional Online Curso Superior de O...
En estos momentos el centro Centro de Formación TIC Alfatec no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.
Module 1: Planning and provisioning Office 365
This module reviews the features of Office 365 and identifies recent improvements to the service, and describes the process of provisioning an Office 365 tenant. This module also identifies the challenges in deploying Office 365 and the benefits of the Microsoft FastTrack for Office 365 approach, as compared to the traditional plan, prepare, and migrate deployment process.
Module 2: Managing Office 365 users and groups
This module explains how to manage users, groups, and licenses, and configure administrative access by using the Office 365 console and the Windows PowerShell command-line interface. This module also explains how to manage user passwords and configure multi-factor authentication.
Module 3: Configuring client connectivity to Microsoft Office 365
This module covers the different types of client software that you can use to connect to Office 365. It also explains the infrastructure requirements that the clients need to connect to Office 365, in addition to how to configure different types of Office 365 clients.
Module 4: Planning and configuring directory synchronization
This module explains how to plan, prepare, and implement directory synchronization as a methodology for user and group management in an Office 365 deployment. It explains how to prepare an on-premises environment, and install and configure directory synchronization. It also explains how to manage Office 365 identities after you enable directory synchronization.
Module 5: Planning and deploying Office 365 ProPlus
This module explains how to plan for a client deployment and ensure that users receive the tools that they need to interact with Office 365 effectively. It also explains the planning process, how to make Office 365 ProPlus directly available to end users, and how to deploy it as a managed package. Finally, it describes how to set up Office telemetry so that administrators can track how users are interacting with Microsoft Office.
Module 6: Planning and managing Exchange Online recipients and permissions
This module describes Exchange Online, and explains how to create and manage recipient objects, and how to manage and delegate Exchange security.
Module 7: Planning and configuring Exchange Online services
This module explains how to plan for and configure email flow, in addition to anti-malware and anti-spam settings in Office 365. It also explains how to plan and configure policies for Exchange clients. Additionally, it describes how to plan and configure a migration to Exchange Online.
Module 8: Planning and deploying Microsoft Teams
This module explains how to plan and configure Teams. It explains how to configure Teams user settings and clients, and plan for voice integration. It also explains how to transition from Skype for Business to Teams and how Teams integrates with other Office 365 services.
Module 9: Planning and configuring SharePoint Online
This module describes how to configure SharePoint Online services. It explains how to plan and configure SharePoint site collections and external user sharing. It also provides a brief overview of additional portals, such as the video portal.
Module 10: Planning and configuring an Office 365 collaboration solution
This module describes how to enable and configure Yammer Enterprise. It also explains how to configure OneDrive for Business and Office 365 groups.
Module 11: Planning and configuring security and compliance in Office 365
This module describes the compliance features in Office 365 and how to manage them. It explains how to plan and configure Azure Information Protection. Additionally, it explains the security features in Office 365.
Module 12: Monitoring and troubleshooting Microsoft Office 365
This module explains how to troubleshoot issues with Office 365 connectivity and services, and how to monitor Office 365 service health.
Module 13: Planning and configuring identify federation
This module explains how identify federation works, and how you can use Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) to implement identity federation. It also explains how to plan an AD FS deployment to support identify federation with Office 365. The module describes how to deploy AD FS to enable single sign-on (SSO) for Office 365. Finally, it describes hybrid solutions for Exchange Server, Skype for Business Server, and SharePoint Server.
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TEMA 1: Conceptos DE Outlook 2010 - Como arrancar Outlook - Elementos de la pantalla inicial - Barras de Outlook - La ayuda - El portapapeles - Correo electrónico en Outlook - El mensaje Lo ...
Objetivos: Este curso de carácter integral te especializará en el manejo de Office 2013 (Word, Excel, Access y Powerpoint), pudiendo aprender con una metodología que combina el repaso de conceptos ...
Objetivos: Con este nuevo curso de Lectiva.com puedes conocer todos los programas que forman el paquete office de Microsoft: Excel, Word, PowerPoint y Outlook 2013. Requisitos: Este programa ...
Objetivos: El objetivo de este curso es el capacitarte, tanto a nivel de teoría como en la aplicación procedimental, para el manejo de la suite de ofimática de Microsoft, Office 2013. Con la ...
Curso Excel 2010 (40h.) 1. Entorno 2. Valores 3. Fuente 4. Formato celdas 5. Alineación 6. Formato condicional 7. Buscar 8. Insertar I 9. Insertar II. Encabezado y pie de página 10.- ...
WORD Módulo 1. Aspectos básicos de Word 2010 Módulo 2. Gestionar documentos Módulo 3. Edición básica de texto Módulo 4. Formato de texto ...
En nuestra plataforma VIRTUAL encontrarás: - Documentación y manuales en Pdf, XLS, y otros - Archivos de ejemplo en XLSX, XLSB, y otros - Video tutoriales y plataforma compatible ...
1. Introducción a Microsoft Word 2. La pestaña Archivo 3. Entorno de trabajo 4. Desplazarnos por el documento 5. Formato de caracteres 6. Copiar cortar y pegar 7. Opciones de párrafo 8. ...
Con este curso aprenderás a dominar los diferentes programas que conforman esta útil herramienta que se ha convertido en un instrumento imprescindible tanto en el trabajo como en el estudio.
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