Curso relacionado

Curso de Legal Spanish Course (40 hours)

Spanish Courses Unamuno
Spanish Courses Unamuno

Curso Presencial en Salamanca (Salamanca)

Precio: 440 €
Duración: 2 semanas

Resumen del curso

This course combines the study of Spanish with the study of terms used in the legal field, where professionals who are interested are developing in their professional life. It is offered for groups of minimum 5 and maximum 10 students per class and level. Internships: This course includes supervised observing practices: 2 hours of visits per week.

Objetivos: - Learn to develop written texts in the legal field with indoor unit without prominent errors such as reports, parts, procedures, records, etc. - Understand the content of informational texts and specialized, without support, and answer questions and start a conversation about them. - Become familiar with the different operating procedures. - Acquire the vocabulary of the specific field.

Requisitos: Minimum level of knowledge of Spanish language: B2, C1 or C2. To form a group and to maintain the price of reference it is neccesary 5 people to participate.

A quién va dirigido: Professionals in the legal field, who are interested in developing their professional life through the knowledge of the legal terms and structure in Spanish.

Información adicional

Enrolment: 40€

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Temario completo de este curso


The law: definition and origin.
Branches of law: civil, criminal, procedural, commercial, customary, international and canon.
Legal language.
Legal texts.
Constitution: definition and origin.
The Spanish Constitution of 1978.
The justice.

2nd WEEK

Criminal law:
- Criminal law generally.
- Relationship between criminal and constitutional law.
- Principles and penal guarantees.

Special criminal law:
- Offenses and penalties.
- Property crimes and frauds.

Intellectual property law:
- The digital canon.
- Piracy.
- The moral rights of an artist.

Family right:
- Definition and characteristics.
- Marriage.
- The civil and religious marriage.
- Custody.
- The affiliation.
- Guardianship.
- Inheritance law.

3rd WEEK

Civil Law:
- Obligations and Contracts.
- The civil law.
- The obligations.
- Elements of an obligation.
- Sources of civil obligations.
- Fulfillment of the obligation: payment.
- Other ways to fulfill the obligation.
- Civil liability.

Types of contracts:
- The sale of real estate.
- Leases.

Real Rights:
- Types of goods.
- The property.

Labor law:
- Labor: Concept of labor law.
- The employment contract.
- Salary.
- The workday.
- Holidays and permissions.
- Termination of the employment relationship.
- Work accidents.
- The works councils and staff representatives.
- Unions.
- Collective agreements.
- The right to strike.

Administrative law:
- Definition and structure.

Administrative powers:
- The regulation.
- The administrative act.
- The administrative silence.
- Administrative resources.
- Contractual management regime.
- Eminent domain.

4th WEEK

Tax law:
- Definition.
- The Spanish tax system:
- Taxes.
- The statement of income.
- State Budget.

Private international right:
- The importance of private international law.
- The denomination private international law.
- The purpose and sources of private international law.
- The forum and the law applicable.
- Successions.
- International adoptions.
- The international marriage.
- The definition of foreign:
- The immigration law.
- Exequatur or recognition of foreign judgments.

Commercial Law:
- Definition and characteristics.
- Commercial transactions.
- Commercial contracts.
- Negotiable instruments.
- New bankruptcy law.

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